作者: 佚名 发布时间: 2021年09月18日 11:22 浏览次数:






肖伟晶,男,汉族,中共党员,现为资安学院2018级安全科学与工程专业博士生,曾担任2021(第十二届)中国矿业科技大会-地下开采与岩层控制分论坛组委会委员,曾承担Energy Science & EngineeringJournal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringSCI期刊的审稿工作;20191023日荣获“重庆大学优秀研究生”称号,2020115日被评为“重庆大学科技学术创新先进个人”,20211月被评为重庆大学“优秀研究生共青团员”。


(1) Xiao Weijing, Zhang Dongming, Wang Xiaojun. Experimental Study on Progressive Failure Process and Permeability Characteristics of Red Sandstone under Seepage Pressure[J]. Engineering Geology, 2020, 265: 105406. (SCI,JCR Q1, Top期刊)

(2)Xiao Weijing, Zhang Dongming, Yu Guo et al. Experimental study on the failure process of sandstone under cyclic loading and unloading after high temperature treatment under the action of seepage-stress coupling[J]. Engineering Geology, 293.2021: 106305 (SCI,JCR Q1, Top期刊)

(3) Xiao Weijing, Zhang Dongming, Wang Xiaojun et al. Research on Microscopic Fracture Morphology and Damage Constitutive Model of Red Sandstone under Seepage Pressure[J]. Natural Resources Research, 2020,29:3335-3350. (SCI,JCR Q1)

(4) Xiao Weijing, Zhang Dongming, Yang Han et al. Laboratory investigation of the temperature influence on the mechanical properties and fracture crack distribution of rock under uniaxial compression test[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020: 1-14. (SCI,JCR Q1)

(5) Xiao Weijing, Yu Guo, Li Haitao et al. Thermal cracking characteristics and mechanism of sandstone after high-temperature treatment [J]. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures,(SCI,JCR Q2)

(6) Xiao Weijing, Zhang Dongming, Cai Ying et al. Study on Loading Rate Dependence of the Coal Failure Process Based on Uniaxial Compression Test[J]. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2020, 177: 4925–4941. (SCI, JCR Q3)

(7) Xiao Weijing, Zhang Dongming, Li Haitao. et al. Difference analysis on the sandstone permeability after different temperature treatment during the failure process: A case study of sandstone in Chongqing, China[J]. Pure and applied geophysics,2021,178 (5): 1893-1910 (SCI,JCR Q3)





