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工程科学前沿讲坛491讲:英国利物浦大学Bernard HON教授学术讲座

作者: 来源:  浏览次数: 发布日期:2023/12/11 16:19:19

讲座题目:An Integrated Approach to Green Manufacturing for the New Generation Aircrafts

主讲人:Prof. Bernard Hon

讲座时间:2023年12月12日 15时



Aerospace manufacturing has been a key driver for advanced manufacturing covering the full specturm of matererials, design and materials processing. This presentation is targeted at major factors that need to be considered for the new generation of aircrfts such as the new C919 produced by COMAC. Starting from a personal background of a major UK £150 million project, SAMULET (Strategic Affordable Manufacturing in the UK through Leading Environmental Technologies), imperatives for green manufacturing of aircrafts will be highlighted. An integrated approach to achieve such an aim is proposed as a viable roadmap for further development.


Bernard HON教授,英国利物浦大学先进制造技术首席教授,制造系统工程领域的国际知名学者,现任英国利物浦大学先进制造系统实验室主任,英国政府制造领域资深顾问,制造科学与技术CIRP Fellow,国际工程与技术协会Fellow,国际可持续制造科学与工程委员会理事。主要研究方向:先进制造技术与可持续制造技术。共出版3部专著,发表学术论文120余篇,研究经费超过1000万英镑,荣获6次皇家工程科学院客座教授称号,2次皇家工程科学院杰出国际研究员称号。

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