At the beginning, the school of materials science and engineering of Chongqing University originated from the former Department of metallurgy, the second Department of mechanical engineering and the former Department of building materials engineering of Chongqing University of architecture. The Department of metallurgy started from the Department of mining and metallurgy founded in 1935, later renamed as the Department of metallurgy, the Department of metallurgy and materials engineering, and the school of materials science and Engineering in 1998; the second Department of mechanical engineering was founded in 1960, then renamed as the Department of materials forming and control Engineering in 1998, becoming a department of the newly established school of mechanical engineering; the Department of building materials was founded in 1979, then renamed as the Department of materials science and Engineering in 1998 。 In 2000, Chongqing University, Chongqing University of architecture and Chongqing College of architecture merged to establish a new Chongqing University, and the school of materials science and engineering of Chongqing University merged with the former Department of materials science and engineering of Chongqing University of architecture to establish a new school of materials science and engineering. In 2008, the Department of materials forming and control engineering and the school of materials science and engineering formed the current school of materials science and engineering. The College of material science and engineering of Chongqing University has become a college with complete disciplines, advanced equipment and abundant teachers. It is an important base for personnel training and scientific research. It has seven secondary units, namely Department of metallurgical engineering, Department of material forming and control engineering, Department of material processing engineering, Department of material science, Department of building material engineering, Department of decorative materials and engineering and central laboratory.

After more than 80 years of construction and development, the college has made great achievements in all aspects. Talent training, discipline construction and scientific research rank top of the school.

At the beginning of the college, there are two first-class disciplines: Metallurgical Engineering, material science and engineering, two post doctoral research flow stations: Metallurgical Engineering, material science and engineering, national key disciplines of materials science and national key (cultivation) disciplines of iron and steel metallurgy. There are three undergraduate majors in metallurgical engineering, material science and engineering, and material forming and control engineering. Among them, the major of material science and engineering includes four major directions: material science, material processing, building material engineering and building decoration materials. At present, there are more than 1600 undergraduates and more than 900 doctoral and master's degree students. Over the past 80 years, more than 50000 doctors, masters and undergraduates have been trained.

At the beginning, there are 246 staff, including 170 full-time teachers, 58 doctoral supervisors, 72 professors and 52 associate professors. The college has a distinguished professor of Yangtze River scholars, a member of the discipline evaluation group of the academic degree committee of the State Council, a national outstanding professional and technical personnel, a leading talent of science and technology innovation in the national "ten thousand talents plan", a chief scientist of the national "973" plan project, a candidate of the first and second levels of the national one million talents project, a member of the expert group in the field of materials in the national "863" plan during the 11th five year plan, and a member of he Lianghe Li Foundation Science and Technology Innovation Award winner, National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars and China Youth Science and Technology Award winner and other outstanding talents.

The school has a total area of more than 19000 square meters of teaching, scientific research and office rooms, more than 6300 sets of experimental research equipment, with a total value of 190 million yuan. It has a first-class electron microscope center in China and a modern "metallurgy material technology experiment building" with perfect functions and advanced equipment.

The school attaches great importance to scientific research, and has successively undertaken more than 1000 national level projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation project, the national "973" project, the national science and technology support plan, the national "863" plan project, the national key R & D plan of the Ministry of science and technology, as well as the provincial and ministerial level science and technology projects of the Ministry of education, the Ministry of construction, Chongqing city and other provinces and cities. It has undertaken 2000 enterprise entrusted science and technology projects At the same time, it has undertaken a large number of international science and technology cooperation projects and national defense science and technology projects. Through decades of continuous accumulation and development, a complete scientific research system has been gradually formed, including basic theoretical research and application technology development in metallurgy, material science, material processing, material forming, building materials, composite materials, environmental protection and other fields. A large number of scientific research bases have been established, including the national magnesium alloy material engineering technology research center, and more than 600 industry leaders and backbone enterprises It has established a long-term and close cooperative relationship between production, learning and research. It has formed distinctive features in iron and steel metallurgy, magnesium alloy, material processing and forming, new materials for nuclear industry, new building materials, etc., and its scientific and technological strength in some research fields has entered the leading domestic and international ranks. It has won 10 national science and technology awards and more than 60 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. In the past five years (2012.6.1-2017.5.31), more than 270 million yuan has been spent on scientific research; more than 2100 academic papers have been published in domestic and foreign publications, including more than 1300 SCI papers; ESI in the field of material science of Chongqing University entered the top 1% of the world in 2010, and has been developing well year by year, reaching 0.187% in September 2017.

(updated September 30, 2017)
