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School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering (SMCE) of Chongqing University is an important scientific research and talent training base in the field of electronic information and communication. It has two post doctoral mobile stations:Information and Communication Engineering , Electronic Science and Technology. A doctoral degree authorization point: Information and Communication Engineering; master degree authorization point: Electronic and Information. It has the key construction of national "211 Project" Discipline, national "985 Project" construction platform and national defense characteristic discipline are the main supporting disciplines of "Chongqing independent brand automobile Collaborative Innovation Center" and double first-class discipline group "smart energy" in 2011. It has the National Defense Key Laboratory of the Ministry of education, the national experimental teaching demonstration center and other national discipline construction platforms and experimental research bases.

The school has three departments: electronic information engineering, communication engineering, integrated circuit design and integrated system. Three undergraduate majors, with about 1700 students. According to the needs of discipline development, teaching and scientific research of the school, high-level talents in the fields of communication, electronics and integrated circuits will be recruited fromdomesticand abroad.

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