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发布时间:2024-01-23 作者:黄洋 点击量:[]



  1. 比赛主题




  • 视频作品:题目自拟、时长2-4分钟为宜、拍摄,分辨率不得低于1920*1080。记得配上字幕哦(中文或英文均可)

  • 征文作品:题目自拟,体裁不限,word格式。用中文或英文书写,字数原则上不少于500字,不超过2000字。










Dear international students,

The Spring Festival is coming soon! Do you want to feel the excitement and joy of the Chinese New Year? Here is a great opportunity for you! Center of International Students Mobility Service has specially planned the video and essay contest of "Chinese New Year in My Eyes", so that you can record the Chinese New Year in your eyes with lens and words, and share the joy and warmth with your friends! Specific requirements are as follows:

  1. Theme of the competition

    The theme for both the video and essay competition is the same: "Chinese Year in My Eyes".

    Pick up your mobile phone or camera, or turn on your computer, record the most distinctive moments of Chinese New Year in your eyes, or share your stories of Chinese New Year. Whether it is a lively temple fair, a warm reunion dinner, or a shocking dragon and lion dance, colorful light show, you are welcome to show it!

  2. Requirements

  1. Short video competition:the video should be shot in landscape mode, 2-4 minutes, and the resolution should be no less than 1920 * 1080. Please name it and add subtitles (either English or Chinese);

  2. Essay Competition: the genre is not limited; and the language can be either Chinese or English; the number of words shall be no less than 500 and no more than 2000 in principle; write it in WORD format and name it yourself.

  1. Awards

    There will be the first, second and third prizes and excellent prizes in this competition. The numbers of each prize will be decided according to the number of participants. The first, second and third prize winners will be awarded honorary certificates and prizes. The excellence prize winners will be awarded honorary certificates.

  2. Way of Registration and submission of works

    Registration: please scan the attached QR code to join the WeChat group for registration;

    Submission: Please name the video works or articles with "Student Number + Name" and send them to the mailbox huangyang@cqu.edu.cn before March 1, 2024.

    Let's spend an unforgettable Chinese New Year together! Look forward to your wonderful works!

    Centre of International Students Mobility Service

    Chongqing University
