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    The 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China ( IMCC 2023 ) · The Second Announcement

  • The 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China ( IMCC 2023 ) ·

    The Second Announcement

    November 23th- November 26th, 2023 Chongqing, China

    主办单位/Sponsored by

    Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES)

    International Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET)

    承办单位/Organized by

    Chinese Production Engineering Institution CMES (CPEI)

    Chongqing University (CQU)


    协办单位/ Co-organized by

    Chinese Extreme Manufacturing Institution CMES (CEMI)

    The International Manufacturing Conference

    The International Manufacturing Conference inChina (IMCC) is an international conference held every two years since 1983. IMCC has been successfully held for 19 times, and the topics have been broadened to all fields of advanced manufacturing technology. Since the 15th to the 19th IMCC, the conference is sponsored by the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) and the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering (CMES), and organized by Chinese Production Engineering Institution (CPEI).

    The 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China(IMCC 2023) is organized by Chongqing University (CQU) and will be held in Chongqing, China, a beautiful mountain city, during 23-26 November, 2023. During the conference, the excellent project reports and exhibitions related to the mechanical engineering subject will be organized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Scholars and experts from all over the world will be presented to exchange the latest research findings and developments in manufacturing technology.

    Important dates

    Deadline for abstracts: August 10th, 2023

    Notice for abstract receipt: August 25th, 2023

    Deadline for the full text submission: September 10th, 2023

    Notice for the acceptance and revision: September 20th, 2023

    Deadline for the final full text submission: September 30th, 2023

    Date for the report registration: November 23th, 2023

    Date for the official meeting: November 24th, 2023

    Date for inspecting study: November 26th, 2023


    Modern design theory and method

    Advanced manufacturing technology and equipment

    Digital manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing

    Industrial robots and digital twins

    Green manufacturing and consumption reduction

    Ultra-precision machining

    Additive manufacturing

    High energy beam machining

    EDM/ECM processing

    Modern manufacturing system and management

    MEMS and micro-nano manufacturing

    Atomic and close to atomic scale manufacturing

    Extreme manufacturing

    High performance transmission and intelligent equipment

    Mold & Die manufacturing and molding technology

    Material forming technology

    Other areas related to manufacturing technology

    Registration fee

    All participating scholars are required to register and pay the fee, which can be made through WeChat scanning or bank transfer. When paying the fee, please note: paper number - name - work unit and take a screenshot of the transaction details. The invoice information is filled in through the conference website (


    Before September 30

    Registration fee

    Full registration

    3000 CNY

    3600 CNY


    2000 CNY

    2300 CNY

    Accompany personnel

    1300 CNY

    1700 CNY

    WeChat Scan QR Code Payment:

    Payment Information:

    Account Name:Chongqing University

    Bank Account Number:3100024109008948536

    Account Bank:ICBC Chongqing Three Gorges Plaza Sub-branch

    Bank Account Number (Bank Union Number):102653000257

    Unified Social Credit Code:12100000400002697C

    Conference Contact

    Guijian XIAO, Huajun CAO, Chongqing University

    Tel: +86 15922965745(Guijian XIAO) , +86 13594179248(Huajun CAO)


    IMCC 2023 Organizational Committee

    College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering

    Chongqing University

copyright:State key Laboratory of Mechanical transmission in Chongqing University Address: 174 Sha Jie, ShaPingBaQu District, Chongqing City

Tel / Fax: 023-65106195 Zip code: 400044 E-mail:

Technical support: Chongqing Giant soft Technology
