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Understanding the Constraints of Roadway Development using Descrete Event Simulation Method



报告人:蔡大林 博士

报告人简介:蔡大林,澳大利亚卧龙岗大学博士、博士后,本科毕业于中国矿业大学采矿工程专业,研究领域为矿业系统工程离散仿真、虚拟现实及网络数据管理与分析。博士期间研究3D离散仿真技术在煤矿生产工艺仿真、产量进度分析方面的应用,与澳大利亚Glencore、Anglo American等矿业企业建立合作关系,研究成果正在澳大利亚井工煤矿推广;荣获2011年APCOM大会最佳学术论文奖。


从20世纪末开始,澳大利亚在煤矿巷道掘进方面做出了巨大的投入;但是,掘进效率却始终没有得到改善,现场的实际产出远远没有达到设备的设计生产能力。2014年初,澳大利亚煤炭协会科研基金(ACARP - Australian Coal Association Research Program)的巷道掘进科研团队(RDTG - The Roadway Development Task Group) 在澳大利亚煤炭行业发起讨论来应对这一挑战。为了更好的理解巷道掘进系统相关的瓶颈并量化相关研究开发所能取得的潜在效益,澳大利亚卧龙岗大学基于Flexsim软件开发了一套巷道掘进通用仿真系统。模型的有效性通过大量的现场数据得到了验证。本次报告将介绍模型的开发背景和基本功能,以及基于该系统的实际研究案例。该案例分析了超过700个不同参数组合的场景,包括巷道设计、设备生产能力、延误事件、机器故障,以及各种辅助生产活动。仿真结果表明,通过更好的时间管理、监控和报告,现有的掘进系统的生产能力拥有巨大的提升空间。在操作层面上,现有的掘进系统的效率提升可通过加快支护过程(例如:同步支护、使用自钻锚杆)和在支护进程匹配的情况下使用连续运输系统(CHS - Continuous Haulage System)得以实现。

Despite a significant reinvestment by the industry to upgrade development fleets through the late 2000’s, performance appears stationary at best in Australia. Significant disconnect exits between the capacities of the equipment employed and what is being achieved from a manually operated and integrated system. The Roadway Development Task Group (RDTG) of Australian Coal Association Research Program (ACARP) initiated discussions across the industry in Australia early 2014 to address this challenge. A general purpose simulation model of roadway development operation has been developed using Flexsim software by University of Wollongong to better understand the inherent constraints of the development process and to quantify potential gains from targeted R&D. Extensive field testing against existing modelling and analysis regimes has validated the model. This Paper describes the configuration and analysis of over 700 scenarios using the developed model. A set of parameters including geometry design, machine capacity, delays, breakdowns and auxiliary operations with different options has been evaluated with most being subject to multiple iterations. The study shows that there is a significant potential to improve development rates by better managing available time through improved process monitoring and reporting. At an operational level there is significant opportunity to improve development rates through the pursuit of faster support installation processes (e.g.; concurrent bolting, spin to set bolts, and Self Drilling Bolts) and Continuous Haulage System (CHS) would be purchased only if the support operation is compatible.

