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Undergraduate Program


The undergraduate program of journalism was established in 2006. It became Chongqing’s Distinctive Undergraduate Program and is supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Chinese Ministry of Finance, under the “Journalism Excellence Program”, which is a subitem of“University Major Reform Pilot Program”.

The core courses of this program includes Journalism Theory, Communication Theory, Internet and New Media, Chinese and Foreign Journalism and Communication History, Media Ethics and Media Law, Marxism Journalism Theory, News Interview and Writing, News Editing, News Commentary, News Photography, Professional News Report, Investigative Report and In-depth Report, and Media Management.

Distinctive courses include the Guide to Social Sciences and Humanities Classics, the Reading of Classic Poetry and Essays, Creative Writing, English News writing, and Media Workshops.

The graduates normally work for news media, government sectors, private sectors, private companies dedicated to cultural and communication business, engaging in works related to news production, publicity, advertising and marketing.

Broadcast and Television Arts

The undergraduate program of broadcast and television arts was established in 1999, with its Major Cluster of Journalism, Communication and Film Arts (applied jointly with Meishi Film Academy of Chongqing University) further approved as Chongqing’s Distinctive Undergraduate Education Cluster in 2017.

The core courses of this program include Journalism Theory, Communication Theory, Internet and New Media, Chinese and Foreign Journalism and Communication History, Media Ethics and Media Law, Marxism Journalism Theory, News Interview and Writing,Television News productions, Broadcast and Television Program Making, Program Design, Broadcast and Television Commentary, the Arts of Program Hosting, Media Management.

Distinctive courses include the Introduction to Social Sciences and Humanities Classics, the Reading of Classic Poetry and Essays, Creative Writing, English news writing, and Media Workshops.

The graduates normally work for TV stations, radio stations, news agencies, newspapers as well as new media sectors such as internet media, digital broadcast and television teams, engaging in works related to news writing and editing, film and TV program editing, news presenting, digital media content designing and producing, information communication, Public relations.
