


Short Course: Finite Element...


Course Title: Finite Element Methods for Eigenvalue Problems

Classroom: 510

Professor: Jiguang Sun

Introduction: The course is on finite element methods for several typical eigenvalues problems arising
from science and engineering. It will cover both the theory and implementation with the
academic level for graduate students, researchers and engineers. The purpose of the course
is to provide graduate students an up to date and self-contained training of finite element
methods for several typical eigenvalue problems. The content includes background of typical
eigenvalue problems, functional analysis tools, finite element discretization methods,
convergence analysis, techniques for matrix eigenvalue problems, and computer implementation.
New methods, such as discontinuous Galerkin method, and new eigenvalue problems, such as the transmission eigenvalue problem will be included.


8th May 14:00-17:00

13rd May 14:00-17:00

15th May 14:00-17:00

20th May 14:00-17:00

22nd May 14:00-17:00

27th May 14:00-17:00

29th May 14:00-17:00
