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讲座题目:Sensorless Control, Fault Detection and Tolerance for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

主讲人:Roberto Leidhold教授






This lecture will cover special issues in the control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM). This kind of motor is of high significance for many applications due to its high power density and high efficiency compared to other motor types. A drive system composed of the motor itself, sensors, an inverter and a controller is required in order to use this motor. As such systems demand low costs but simultaneously high reliability in applications like electric vehicles, following features will be addressed in this lecture:

Sensorless control

One of the required sensors of the drive system is a position sensor, which is costly and sensitive to damage and electromagnetic interference. A method to avoid them is the so called sensorless or self-sensing method, which determines the rotor position and speed through the already available electric variables like the phase currents and voltage. They rely, for instance, on the position-dependence of the motor inductances. A new method based on the injection of a zero-sequence carrier and is able to work from standstill is presented.

Fault detection

Another important feature for motor control is the diagnosis of incipient faults before a complete outage happens. Typical faults are winding inter-turn short circuits, demagnetization or inverter phase failure. Based on a similar approach as for the self-sensing, new methods are presented to determine incipient faults by only measuring electric variables.

Fault tolerance

Finally, with the adequate control strategy, it is possible to continue operating the drive with some restrictions in the case of a failure. This would allow, in an electric vehicle for instance, to drive after a motor fault up to a workshop with limited speed. A method will be presented, which based on a three-phase motor with a neutral connection allows fault tolerant operation for inverter and phase connection failures.

The content of the lecture is focused on master and PhD student in automotive and electrical engineering.


Roberto Leidhold教授于2003年在国立拉普拉塔大学获电子工程博士学位。20032004年间在国立里奥夸尔托大学进行博士后工作。20052011年间在德国达姆施塔特大学先后以洪堡学者,研究助理,项目主管身份从事科研工作。自2011年起被德国马格德堡大学聘为电驱系统方向教授。2018年起升任马格德堡大学电子信息工程学院副院长。主要研究方向为电驱动控制,电机优化及设计以及新能源发电技术。目前已主持七项德国自然科学基金(DFG)等顶级科研基金项目,并与宝马、大众等公司完成多项电动汽车用电机方面的工业合作项目。在各类顶级期刊发表论文18篇,同时在国际顶级学术会议上进行多次汇报并发表论文50多篇。
