Mingyu Pi, Weimeng Guo, Tianli Wu, Xiaodeng Wang, Dingke Zhang, Shuxia Wang and Shijian Chen*
Constructing WP2 Nanosheets Electrode for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution through 3D Nano-
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Jing Wang, Dingke Zhang*, Shijian Chen*
Fabrication of Phosphorus Nanostructures/TiO2 Composite Photocatalyst with Efficient Charge
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Mingyu Pi, Weimeng Guo, Tianli Wu, Xiaodeng Wang, Dingke Zhang, Shuxia Wang and Shijian Chen*
Pulsed laser deposition-assisted synthesis of porous WP2 nanosheet arrays integrated on graphite
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Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Xiaodeng Wang, Weimeng Guo, Dingke Zhang and Shijian Chen*
Developing bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting using three-dimensional porous
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TianliWu, MingyuPi, XiaodengWang, WeimengGuo, DingkeZhang, ShijianChen*
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Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
Three-dimensional porous structural MoP2 nanoparticles as a novel and superior catalyst for
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Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
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Lijuan Ye, Dan Wang, and Shijian Chen*
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Mingyu Pi, Tianli Wu, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen* and Shuxia Wang
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Tianli Wu, Mingyu Pi, Xiaodeng Wang, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
Three dimensional metal-organic framework derived porous CoP3 concave polyhedrons as
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Yujing Zhang, Dingke Zhang, Weimeng Guo, Shijian Chen*
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Lijuan Ye, Shijian Chen*
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Mingyu Pi, Tianli Wu, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen* and Shuxia Wang
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Tianli Wu, Xiaoxia Li, Dingke Zhang, Fan Dong, Shijian Chen*
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Tianli Wu, Lin Liu, Mingyu Pi, Dingke Zhang, Shijian Chen*
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Dingke Zhang, Zhoujun Duan, Yu Wang, Peng Zhang and Shijian Chen*
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Tianli Wu, Shijian Chen*, Dingke Zhang and Junke Hou
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Lina Kong, Zhiqiang Jiang, Changhua Wang, Fangxu Wan, Yingying Li, Liangzhuan Wu,
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Lijuan Ye, Shijian Chen,* Wanjun Li, Mingyu Pi, Tianli Wu, and Dingke Zhang
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