Email: yong.hu at cqu.edu.cn
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简介:男,1989年生。2018年中国科学院物理研究所博士。2018-2020在中国科学技术大学、2020-2024在瑞士保罗谢勒研究所从事博士后研究。长期致力于关联体系电子结构的前沿研究,取得了一系列具有原创性的重要研究成果,包括:参与发现了新型笼目超导CsV3Sb5,开启了笼目超导体关联量子态的国际研究热潮;揭示了笼目超导体中电荷密度波和向列相的电子结构起源;发现了笼目金属具有应用前景的拓扑表面态并实现了电子态的量子调控;揭示了掺杂莫特绝缘体中金属-绝缘体转变的统一行为;揭示了(Li,Fe)OHFeSe超导体与单层铁硒超导电性具有共同的电子结构起源等。迄今,已发表SCI论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯 (含共同)作者论文14篇,包括Nature Physics(1篇),Nature Communications(3篇),Science Advances(1篇),Physical Review Letters(1篇);总被引2000余次,有三篇入选ESI高被引论文。长期担任Nature Physics,Nature Communications,Physical Review Letters/X,Advanced Materials等期刊的审稿人。
(1) 2012.09–2018.06中国科学院物理研究所凝聚态物理博士
(2) 2008.09–2012.06中南大学应用物理理学学士
(1) 2020.09–2024.02瑞士保罗谢尔研究所博士后研究员
(2) 2018.06–2020.08中国科学技术大学博士后研究员
⟡角分辨光电子能谱(Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, ARPES)
同步辐射光源角分辨光电子能谱 (瑞士光源,钻石光源,斯坦福大学光源,先进光源,广岛大学光源等)
⟡分子束外延(Molecular Beam Epitaxy, MBE)
⟡扫描隧道显微镜(Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, STM)
国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目, 12004363,空穴掺杂的铱氧化物中奇异量子现象的研究, 2021-01-01至2023-12-31, 24万元,资助期满,主持
代表性论文(#共同一作, *通讯作者):
1.Yong Hu#,*, Congcong Le#, Zhen Zhao, Junzhang Ma, Nicholas C. Plumb, Milan Radovic, Andreas P. Schnyder, Xianxin Wu*, Hui Chen, Xiaoli Dong, Jiangping Hu, Haitao Yang, Hong-Jun Gao*, Ming Shi*. “Non-trivial band topology and orbital-selective electronic nematicity in a new titanium-based kagome superconductor”.
Nature Physics19, 1827–1833 (2023).
2.Yong Hu#,*, Xianxin Wu#, Yongqi Yang, Nicholas C. Plumb, Andreas P. Schnyder, Weiwei Xie, Junzhang Ma*and Ming Shi*. “Tunable Topological Dirac Surface States and Van Hove Singularities in Kagome Metal GdV6Sn6”.
Science Advances8, eadd2024 (2022).
3.Yong Hu#,*, Junzhang Ma#, Yinxiang Li#, Yuxiao Jiang, Dariusz Jakub Gawryluk, Tianchen Hu, Jérémie Teyssier, Volodymyr Multian, Zhouyi Yin, Shuxiang Xu, Soohyeon Shin, Igor Plokhikh, Xinloong Han, Nicholas C. Plumb, Yang Liu, Jia-Xin Yin, Zurab Guguchia, Yue Zhao, Andreas P. Schnyder, Xianxin Wu*, Ekaterina Pomjakushina, M. Zahid Hasan, Nanlin Wang and Ming Shi*. “Phonon promoted charge density wave in topological kagome metal ScV6Sn6”.
Nature Communications15, 1658 (2024).
4.Yong Hu#,*, Xianxin Wu#, Brenden R. Ortiz#, Sailong Ju, Xinloong Han, J. Z. Ma, N. C. Plumb, Milan Radovic, Ronny Thomale, S. D. Wilson, Andreas P. Schnyder*and Ming Shi*. “Rich nature of van Hove singularities in kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5”.
Nature Communications13, 2220 (2022). (Highly Cited Paper)
5.Yong Hu#, Samuel M. L. Teicher#, Brenden R. Ortiz#, Yang Luo, Shuting Peng, Linwei Huai, N. C. Plumb J. Z. Ma, Stephen D. Wilson*, J.-F. He*and Ming Shi*. “Topological surface states and flat bands in the kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5”.
Science Bulletin67, 495-500 (2022). (Highly Cited Paper)
6.Yong Hu#, Xiang Chen#, Shuting Peng, Christopher Lane, Matthew Matzelle, Zeliang Sun, M. Hashimoto, D.-H. Lu, E. F. Schwier, M. Arita, T. Wu, R. S. Markiewicz, K. Shimada, Xianhui Chen, Z.-X. Shen, Arun Bansil, Stephen D. Wilson and J.-F. He*. “Spectroscopic evidence for electron-boson coupling in electron-doped Sr2IrO4”.
Physical Review Letters123, 216402 (2019).
7. Lin Zhao#, Ai-Ji Liang#, Dongna Yuan#,Yong Hu#, De-Fa Liu, Jian-Wei Huang, Shao-Long He, Bing Shen, Yu Xu, Xu Liu, Guo-Dong Liu, Hua-Xue Zhou, Yu-Long Huang, Xiao-Li Dong, Fang Zhou, Kai Liu, Zhong-Yi Lu, Zhong-Xian Zhao, Chuang-Tian Chen, Zu-Yan Xu and X. J. Zhou*. “Common electronic origin of superconductivity in (Li,Fe)OHFeSe bulk superconductor and single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3Films”.
Nature Communications7, 10608 (2016).
8.Yong Hu*, Xianxin Wu*, Brenden R. Ortiz, Xinloong Han, N. C. Plumb, S. D. Wilson, Andreas P. Schnyder and Ming Shi*. “Coexistence of tri-hexagonal and star-of-David pattern in the charge density wave of the kagome superconductor AV3Sb5”.
Physical Review B(Letter) 106, L241106 (2022).Editors’ suggestion
9.Yong Hu#, Yu Xu#, Yi-Min Zhang#, Qing-Yan Wang, Shao-Long He, De-Fa Liu, Ai-Ji Liang, Jian-Wei Huang, Cong Li, Yong-Qing Cai, Ding-Song Wu, Guo-Dong Liu, Fang-Sen Li, Jia-Qi Fan, Guan-Yu Zhou, Lili Wang, Can-Li Song*, Xu-Cun Ma, Qi-Kun Xue, Zu-Yan Xu, Lin Zhao*and X. J. Zhou*. “Discovery of insulating parent phase in an iron-based superconductor”.
Physical Review B102, 115144 (2020).
10.Yong Hu#, Lixuan Xu#, Mengzhu Shi#, Aiyun Luo#, Shuting Peng, Z. Y. Wang, J. J. Ying, T. Wu, C. F. Zhang, Z. K. Liu, Y. L. Chen, G. Xu, X.-H. Chen*and J.-F. He*. “Universal gapless Dirac cone and tunable topological states in (MnBi2Te4)m(Bi2Te3)nheterostructures”.
Physical Review B Rapid Communications101, 161113 (2020).
11.Yong Hu#, Yu Xu#, Qing-Yan Wang*, Lin Zhao, Shao-Long He, Jian-Wei Huang, Cong Li, Guo-Dong Liu and X. J. Zhou*. “Identification of a large amount of excess Fe in superconducting single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3films”.
Physical Review B97, 224512 (2018).
12.Yong Hu*, Xianxin Wu*, Andreas P. Schnyder*and Ming Shi*. “Electronic landscape of kagome superconductors AV3Sb5(A = K, Rb, Cs): A perspective from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy”.
npj Quantum Materials8, 67 (2023). (Invited Review)
13. Shuting Peng#, Christopher Lane#,Yong Hu#, Mingyao Guo#, Xiang Chen, Zeliang Sun, M. Hashimoto, D.-H. Lu, Z.-X. Shen, T. Wu, X.-H. Chen, R. S. Markiewicz, Yao Wang, A. Bansil, S. D. Wilson and J.-F. He*, “Electronic nature of the pseudogap in electron-doped Sr2IrO4”.
npj Quantum Materials7, 58 (2022).
14. Zhi-Yuan Wei,Yong Hu*, Ling-Yong Zeng, Ze-Yu Li, Zhen-Hua Qiao*, Hui-Xia Luo*and Jun-Feng He*. “Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of electronic structure of 1T-NbSeTe”.
Acta Phys. Sin. 71(12): 127901 (2022).