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Rui Wang

Hits: Update time: 11.Nov.2020

Rui Wang,Associate Professor


l2003.09-2007.06B. S., AppliedPhysics, School of Physics, ChongqingUniversity

l2007.09-2009-06M. S., Condensed matter physics, scholar, Department of Physics, ChongqingUniversity

l2009.09-2012.06 Ph.D., Condensed matter physics, scholar,Department of Physics, Chongqing University

Professional Experience

l2012-now Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Chongqing Universit

l2013.07-2013-08 Visiting scholar, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

l2017.08-2018.08 Visiting Associate Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology

Research Fields

Computational Condensed matter physics, Topological materials, Defected charge properties and transport of nano-materitals

Professional Service

uAuthored and co-authored over80peer-reviewed publications in Phys. Rev. Lett., Nano Letters, Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Mater., J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Nanoscale, Acta Materia., Philos. Mag, etc.. FirstauthoredandCorresponding authored over 40 publications, which have been cited together for over 800times.

uReferee of Nature Communications, Phys. Rev. , Nanoscale, Nano Research, etc. SCI journals.

uEditor of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering


Chao Zhang*, Xian-Yong Ding, Li-Yong Gan, Yu Cao, Bing-Sheng Li, Xiaozhi Wu, Rui Wang*. Symmetry-guaranteed ideal Weyl semimetallic phase in face-centered orthogonal C6. Phys. Rev. B 101, 235119(2020).(*Corresponding Author)

▲Rui Wang*, Yuanjun Jin, Bowen Xia, and Hu Xu*, Topological Quantum States in Magnetic Oxides, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 4036−4042 (2020) (Perspective). ( *Corresponding Author)

▲Ruiling Zou, Fangyang Zhan, Baobing Zheng, Xiaozhi Wu, Jing Fan, Rui Wang*. Intrinsic quantum anomalous Hall phase induced by proximity in germanene/Cr2Ge2Te6van der Waals heterostructure. Phys. Rev. B 101, 161108 (2020) (Rapid Comm.) arXiv:2002.12624 (2020).(*Corresponding Author)

▲Jiali Yang, Baobing Zheng, Zhongjia Chen, Wangping Xu, Rui Wang*, Xu Hu*. Robust Topological States in Bi2Se3against Surface Oxidation. J. Phys. Chem. C124, 6253-6259 ( 2020).(*Corresponding Author)

▲R. Wang, B. W. Xia, Z. J. Chen, B. B. Zheng, Y. J. Zhao, and H. Xu. Symmetry-protected topological triangular Weyl complex. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 105303 (2020).

▲B. W. Xia, Y. J. Jin, J. Z. Zhao, Z. J. Chen, B. B. Zheng, Y. J. Zhao, R. Wang*, and H. Xu*. Robust Twin Pairs of Weyl Fermions in Ferromagnetic Oxides. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 057205 (2019). (*Corresponding Author)

▲Y. J. Jin, Z. J. Chen, B. W. Xia, Y. J. Zhao, R. Wang*, and H. Xu*. Large-gap quantum anomalous Hall phase in hexagonal organometallic frameworks. Phys. Rev. B 98, 245127 (2018) (*Corresponding Author)

▲Y. J. Jin, Z. J. Chen, B. W. Xia, Y. J. Zhao, R. Wang*, and H. Xu*. Ideal intersecting nodal-ring phonons in bcc C8. Phys. Rev. B 98, 220103 (2018) (Rapid Comm.) (*Corresponding Author)

▲Y. J. Jin, R. Wang*, and H. Xu*. Recipe for Dirac Phonon States with a Quantized Valley Berry Phase in Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Lattices. Nano Lett. 18, 7755-7760 (2018). (*Corresponding Author)


Room LE409, Sciences Building in Huxi Campus,Chongqing University, P. R. China, 401331

