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作者: 点击次数: 更新时间: 2024年03月19日

吴穹,2014年毕业于清华大学物理系,获学士学位。2020年博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所(导师:赵继民 研究员)。2020-2024年在北京大学量子材料科学中心从事博士后研究(合作导师:王楠林 教授)。2024年进入重庆大学物理学院工作。主要研究领域为强关联体系中的时间分辨超快动力学,包括准粒子弛豫,磁光克尔效应,太赫兹光谱等。曾担任Phys. Rev. Lett.以及Nat. Comm.杂志审稿人。



1.Qiong Wu, Qiangwei Yin, Sijie Zhang, Tianchen Hu, Dong Wu, Li Yue, Bohan Li, Shuxiang Xu, Rongsheng Li, Qiaomei Liu, Hechang Lei, Tao Dong, and Nanlin Wang, Pump-induced terahertz conductivity response and peculiar bound state in Mn3Si2Te6, Advanced Optical Materials 12, 2301863 (2024).

2.Qiong Wu, Tianchen Hu, Dong Wu, Rongsheng Li, Li Yue, Sijie Zhang, Shuxiang Xu, Qiaomei Liu, Tao Dong, and Nanlin Wang, Spin dynamics in the axion insulator candidate EuIn2As2, Physical Review B 107, 174411 (2023).

3.Qiong Wu, Z. X. Wang, Q. M. Liu, R. S. Li, S. X. Xu, Q. W. Yin, C. S. Gong, Z. J. Tu, H. C. Lei, T. Dong, and N. L. Wang, Simultaneous formation of two-fold rotation symmetry with charge order in the kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 by optical polarization rotation measurement, Physical Review B 106, 205109 (2022).

4.Qiong Wu, Fei Sun, Qianyu Zhang, L. X. Zhao, G.-F. Chen, and Jimin Zhao, Quasiparticle dynamics and electron-phonon coupling in Weyl semimetal TaAs, Physical Review Materials 4, 064201 (2020).

5.Qiong Wu, Huaxue Zhou, Yanling Wu, Lili Hu, Shunli Ni, Yichao Tian, Fei Sun, Fang Zhou, Xiaoli Dong, Zhongxian Zhao, and Jimin Zhao, Ultrafast Quasiparticle Dynamics and Electron-Phonon Coupling in (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFe0.98Se, Chinese Physics Letters (Express Letter) 37, 097802 (2020).

6.吴穹,田义超,吴艳玲,赵继民,《高温超导体的超快光谱学》,科学通报,62卷,34期,3995 (2017).

7.T. C. Hu, Q. Wu, Z. X. Wang, L. Y. Shi, Q. M. Liu, L. Yue, S. J. Zhang, R. S. Li, X. Y. Zhou, S. X. Xu, D. Wu, T. Dong, and N. L. Wang, Optical spectroscopy and ultrafast pump-probe study of the structural phase transition in 1T’-TaTe2, Physical Review B 105, 075113 (2022)

8.Z. X. Wang, Q. Wu, Q. W. Yin, C. S. Gong, Z. J. Tu, T. Lin, Q. M. Liu, L. Y. Shi, S. J. Zhang , D. Wu, H. C. Lei, T. Dong, and N. L. Wang, Unconventional charge density wave and photoinduced lattice symmetry change in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5 probed by time-resolved spectroscopy, Physical Review B 104, 165110 (2021).

9.Yanling Wu, Qiong Wu, Fei Sun, Cai Cheng, Sheng Meng1, and Jimin Zhao, Emergence of electron coherence and two-colorall-optical switching in MoS2 based on spatial self-phase modulation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 11800 (2015).

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