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作者: 点击次数: 更新时间: 2020年04月03日




























  1. Gao W., Trung V. P., Shengkai L., Michael W., Junle Q., Yan P., Guo C., Daniel I. G., Simon A. L., Robert H. A.,L.Liu, "Emergent Field-Driven Robot Swarm States",Physical Review Letters126,108002 (2021)

  2. Qihui F., Yu Z., Xiaochen W., Ruipei X.,Yu D., Boyi W., Xiaoyu Y., Ying L.,L. Liu, Yunliang L., Ming L., Yuanjin Z., Yang J., Fangfu Y, "Dynamically re‐organized collagen fiber bundles transmit mechanical signals and induce strongly correlated cell migration and self‐organization",Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202016084 (2021)

  3. Y. Lv, G. Li, H. Peng, Y. Liu, J. Yao, G. Wang, J. Sun, J. Liu, H. Zhang, G. Chen,L. Liu,"Development of elastic artificial vessels with a digital pulse flow system to investigate the risk of restenosis and vasospasm",Lab on a Chip20(16):3051-3059(2020)

  4. J. Sun, L. Zhang, L. Cui, X. Luo, G. He,X. Dong, L. He, J. Zhang,J. Sun, G. Chen, Y. Lv,L. Liu,"Gestational age estimation from ultrasound fetal biometrics in China",Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol47(5): 714-722(2020)

  5. J. Zheng, Y. Cheng, Y. Huang, S.Wang,L. Liu,G. Chen, "Drop impacting on a surface with adjustable wettability based on the dielectrowetting effect",Phys. Fluids32, 097108 (2020)

  6. G. Chen, J. Zheng,L. Liu, L.Xu, "Application of Microfluidics in Wearable Devices",Small Methods1900688 (2019)

  7. Y. He, L. Xiong, X. Gao, M. Hai, Y. Liu,G. Wang, G. Chen, J. Shuai, Y. Jiao, X. Zhang, R. Liu,L. Liu,"Morphological quantification of proliferation-to-invasion transition in tumor spheroids",BBA - General Subjects1864(2019)129460

  8. Y. Zheng, H. Nan, Y. Liu, Q. Fan, X.Wang, R. Liu,L. Liu, "Modeling cell migration regulated by cell extracellular-matrix micromechanical coupling",Physical Review E100(2019) 043303

  9. R. Liu, K. Song, Z. Hu, W. Cao, J. Shuai,S. Chen, H. Nan, Y. Zhen, X. Jiang, H. Zhang, W. Han, Y. Liao, J. Qu, Y.Jiao, Jing Fan,L. Liu, "Diversity of collective migration patterns of invasive breast cancer cells emerging during microtrack invasion",Physical Review E99, 062403 (2019)

  10. W. Diao, X. Tong, C. Yang, F. Zhang, C.Bao, C. Hao,L. Liu,M. Li, F. Ye, Q. Fan, J. Wang, Z. Ou-Yang,"Behaviors of glioblastoma cells in in vitro microenvironments",Scientific Reports9:85(2019)

  11. Y. Wu, W. Chen, Z. Wan, A. Djurisic, X.Feng,L. Liu, G. Chen, R. Liu, Z. He, "Multifunctional atomic force probes for Mn2+ doped perovskite solar cells",Journal of Power Sources425(2019) 130-137 (2019)

  12. A. Wu, D. Liao, V. Kirilin, K. Lin, G.Torga, J. Qu,L. Liu, J. Sturm, K. Pienta, R. Austin,"Cancer dormancy and criticality from a game theory perspective",Cancer ConvergenceDOI 10.1186/s41236-018-0008-0 (2018)

  13. H. Xie, Y. Jiao, Q. Fan, M. Hai, J. Yang,Z. Hu, Y. Yang, J. Shuai, G. Chen, R. Liu,L. Liu,"Modeling three-dimensional invasive solid tumor growth in heterogeneous microenvironment under chemotherapy",Plos One13(10): e0206292 (2018)

  14. Y. Wu, W. Chen, Y. Lin, B. Tu, Z. Wu, R.Liu,L. Liu,A. Djuri?i?, Z. He, "General Method To Define the Type of Carrier Transport Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells via Kelvin Probes Microscopy",ACS Appl. Energy Mater.1,3984-3991 (2018)

  15. Y. Wu, W. Chen, G. Chen,L. Liu,Z. He, R. Liu, "The Impact of Hybrid Compositional Film/Structure on Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells”,Nanomaterials8(6) doi: 10.3390/nano8060356 (2018)

  16. H. Nan, L. Liang, G. Chen,L. Liu,R. Liu, Y. Jiao, "Realizations of highly heterogeneous collagen networks via stochastic reconstruction for micromechanical analysis of tumor cell invasion",Physical Review E97 (3)033311 (2018)

  17. K. Song, Z. Wang, R. Liu, G. Chen,L.Liu, "Microfabrication-Based Three-Dimensional (3-D) Extracellular Matrix Microenvironments for Cancer and Other Diseases",International Journal of Molecular Science19(4) doi:10.3390/ijms19040935 (2018)

  18. K. Song, Y. Wu, X. Chen, Y. He,L. Liu, G. Chen, R. Liu, "SKPM study on organic-inorganic perovskite materials",AIP Advances8 (3) 0351114 (2018)

  19. Y. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Wu, W. Liu, X. Li,R. Liu,L. Liu, J. Shuai, "Derivation of persistent time for anisotropic migration of cells",Chin. Phys. BVol.26, No. 12 (2017) 128707 (2017)

  20. Q. Fan, R. Liu, Y. Jiao, C. Tian, James D. Farrell, X. Wang, F. Zhang, W. Yuan, H. Han, J. Chen, Y Yang, X. Zhang, F. Ye, M. Li, Z. Ouyang, andL. Liu, "A novel 3-D bio-microfluidic system mimicking in vivo heterogeneous tumour microstructure reveals complex tumourstroma interactions",Lab on a ChipDOI:10.1039/C7LC00191F (2017)

  21. W. Han, S. Chen, W.Yuan, Q. Fan, J. Tian,X. Wang, L. Chen, X. Zhang, W. Wei, R. Liu, Junle Qu, Y. Jiao, Robert H.Austin, andL. Liu, "Oriented collagen fibers direct tumor cell intravasation",Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA(2016)

  22. R. Liu, Y.Li, andL. Liu, "Single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy for quantitative biological applications",Quantitative Biology177–191(2016)

  23. G. Wang , X. Wang , T. Liu , R. Liu , andL. Liu, "In vitro experimental models and their molding technology of tumor cell",Acta. Phys. Sin.65,188700 (2016)

  24. H. Wang, J. Liu, X. Zheng, X. Rong, X.Zheng, H. Peng, Z. S. Li, M. Li,L. Liu, "Three-dimensional virtual surgery models for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) optimization strategies",Sci. Rep.5,10945 (2015)

  25. J. Zhu, L. Liang, Y. Jiao,L. Liu, "Enhanced Invasion of Metastatic Cancer Cells via Extracellular Matrix Interface",PLoS ONE10,1371 (2015)

  26. L. Liu, G.Duclos, B. Sun, J. Lee, A. Wu, Y. Kam, E. D. Sontag, H. A. Stone, J. C. Sturm, R. A. Gatenby and R. H. Austin, "Minimization of thermodynamic costs in cancer cell invasion",Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA10.1073 (2013)

  27. L. Liu, B.Sun, K. Aw Yong, R. Getzenberg, H. Stone and R. Austin, “Probing the invasiveness of prostate cancer cells in a 3D microfabricated landscape”,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA108:6853–6856 (2011)(高亮文章)

  28. L. Liu, K.Loutherback, D. Liao, D. Yeater, G. Lambert, A. Estevez-Torres, J. Sturm, R. Getzenberg and R. Austin, “A microfluidic device for continuous cancer cell culture and passage with hydrodynamic forces”,Lab on a Chip10, 1807-1813 (2010)

  29. L. Liu, W.Cao, J. Wu, W. Wen, D. C. Chang and P. Sheng, “Design and Integration of an All-in-One Biomicrofluidic Chip”,Biomicrofluidics2,034103(2008)

  30. L. Liu, S.Peng, W. Wen and P. Sheng, “Micro Thermo Indicators and Optical-Electronic Temperature Control for Microfluidic Applications”,Appl. Phys.Lett.91, 093513 (2007)

  31. L. Liu, S.Peng, W. Wen and P. Sheng, “ Paperlike thermochromic display”,Appl.Phys. Lett.90 213508 (2007)

  32. L. Liu, S.Peng, X. Niu and W. Wen, “Microheater fabricated from a conducting composite”,Appl. Phys. Lett.89, 223521 (2006)

  33. L. Liu, X. Niu, W. Wen and P. Sheng, “Electrorheological fluid-actuated flexible platform”,Appl. Phys. Lett.88, 173505 (2006)

  34. L. Liu, X.Chen, X. Niu, W. Wen, and P. Sheng, “Electrorheological fluid actuated microfluidic pump”,Appl. Phys. Lett.89, 083505 (2006)

  35. L. Liu, X.Huang, C. Shen, Z. Liu, J. Shi, W. Wen and P. Sheng, “Parallel-field electrorheological clutch: Enhanced high shear rate performance”,Appl. Phys. Lett.87, 104106 (2005)

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