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2013.09-2018.07 清华大学材料学院博士

2009.09-2013.07 清华大学材料学院学士


2023.12至今 重庆大学物理学院与量子材料与器件研究中心 教授

2018.08-2023.12 德国马克斯普朗克微结构物理所博士后(期间获“洪堡学者”称号)



1. 磁性氧化物薄膜性能操控与自旋电子学器件设计

2. 薄膜磁性的电学探测与电场、光学操控

3. 二维磁性异质结性能调控与器件设计


已在Sci. Adv., Nature Communications, Phys. Rev. Lett., Adv. Mater.,等国际学术期刊发表论文50余篇,被引用2500余次。


[1]Li, F.*,Guan, Y. C., Wang, P., Wang, Z., Fang, C., Gu, K., Parkin, S. S. P. All-electrical reading and writing of spin chirality.Sci. Adv.8, eadd6984 (2022).

[2] Guan, Y., Zhou, X.Li, F.#,Ma, T., Yang, S., Parkin, S. S. P. Ionitronic manipulation of current-induced domain wall motion in synthetic antiferromagnets.Nat. Comm.12, 5002 (2021).

[3] Chen, L., Tu, B., Lu, X.,Li, F.,Jiang, L., Antonietti, M., & Xiao, K.Unidirectional ion transport in nanoporous carbon membranes with a hierarchical pore architecture.Nat. Comm.12, 1-7 (2021).

[4] Kang, Y., He, Y., Pohl, D., Rellinghaus, B., Chen, D., Schmidt, M., Süß, V., Mu, Q.,Li, F.,Yang, Q., Chen, H., Ma, Y., Auffermann, G., Li, G., Felser, C. Identification of interface structure for a topological CoS2single crystal in oxygen evolution reaction with high intrinsic reactivity.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces14, 19324 (2021)

[5] Han, L., Chen, X. Z., Li, X. L., Zhang, J., Feng, J. F.,Li, F.,Song, C., & Pan, F.Bias-dependent tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic Pd-doped FeRh-based junctions.Appl. Phys. Lett.119, 242401 (2021).

[6] Gu, Y., Song, C., Zhang, Q.,Li, F.,Tan, H., Xu, K., Li, J., Saleem, M. S., Fayaz, M. U., Peng, J. J., Hu, F., Gu, L., Liu, W., Zhang, Z., & Pan, F.Interfacial control of ferromagnetism in ultrathin srruo3 films sandwiched between ferroelectric BaTiO3layers,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces12, 6707-6715 (2020).

[7] Lu, X., Yang, X., Tariq, M.,Li, F.,Steimecke, M., Li, J., Varga, A., Bron, M., Abel, B. Plasma-etched functionalized graphene as a metal-free electrode catalyst in solid acid fuel cells.J. Mater. Chem. A8, 2445 (2020).

[8] Li, G., Khim, S., Chang, C. S., Fu, C., Nandi, N.,Li, F.,Yang, Q., Blake, G. R., Parkin, S., Auffermann, G., Sun, Y., Muller, D. A., Mackenzie, A. P., Felser, C. In Situ modification of a delafossite-type PdCoO2 bulk single crystal for reversible hydrogen sorption and fast hydrogen evolution.ACS Energy Lett.4, 2185 (2019).

[9] Gu, Y., Wei, Y. W., Xu, K., Zhang, H., Wang, F.,Li, F.,Saleem, M. S., Chang, C. –Z., Sun, J., Song, C., Feng, J., Zhong, X., Liu, W., Zhang, Z., Zhu, J., & Pan, F.Interfacial oxygen-octahedral-tilting-driven electrically tunable topological Hall effect in ultrathin SrRuO3films.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.52, 404001 (2019).

[10] Li, G., Yang, Q., Manna, K., Fu, C., Deniz, H., Jena, J.,Li, F.,Parkin, S., Auffermann, G., SunY., & Felser, C.Optimization of catalytic active sites in non-collinear antiferromagnetic Mn3Pt bulk single-crystal.Mater. Today Phys.10, 100137 (2019).

[11] Zhou, X. F., Chen, X. Z., Zhang, J.,Li, F.,Shi, G. Y., Sun, Y. M., Saleem, M. S., You, Y. F., Pan, F., & Song, C.From field-like torque to antidamping torque in antiferromagnetic Mn2Au.Phys. Rev. Appl.11, 054030 (2019).

[12] Chen, X. Z., Liu, H., Yin, L. F., Song, C., Tan, Y. Z., Zhou, X. F.,Li, F.,You, Y. F., Sun, Y. M., & Pan, F.Electrical control of anisotropic ferromagnetic domains during antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition.Phys. Rev. Appl.11, 024021 (2019).

[13] Zhang, R. Q., Su, J., Cai, J. W., Shi, G. Y.,Li, F.,Liao, L. Y., Pan, F., & Song, C.Spin valve effect induced by spin-orbit torque switching.Appl. Phys. Lett.114, 092404 (2019).

[14] Chen, X. Z., Zarzuela, R., Zhang, J., Song, C., Zhou, X. F., Shi, G. Y.,Li, F.,Zhou, H. A., Jiang, W. J., Pan, F., & Tserkovnyak, Y.Antidamping-torque-induced switching in biaxial antiferromagnetic insulators.Phys. Rev. Lett.120, 207204 (2018).

[15] Yin, J., Zeng, F., Wan, Q.,Li, F.,Sun, Y., Hu, Y., Liu, J., Li, G. & Pan, F.Adaptive crystallite kinetics in homogenous bilayer oxide memristor for emulating diverse synaptic plasticity.Adv. Funct. Mater.28, 1706927 (2018).

[16] Zhou, X. F., Zhang, J.,Li, F.,Chen, X. Z., Shi, G. Y., Tan, Y. Z., Gu, Y. D., Saleem, M. S., Wu, H. Q., Pan, F., & Song, C.Strong orientation-dependent spin-orbit torque in thin films of the antiferromagnet Mn2Au.Phys. Rev. Appl.9, 054028 (2018).

[17] Gu, Y., Song, C., Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Cui, B.,Li, F.,Peng, J. J., Saleem, M. S., Wang, G., Zhong, X., Wang, F., Ma, S., Sun, J., Liu, W., Pan, F., & Zhang, Z.Controllable oxygen vacancies, orbital occupancy and magnetic ordering in SrCoO3−δfilms.J. Magn. Magn. Mater.454, 228-236 (2018).

[18] Sun, Y., Tai, M., Song, C., Wang, Z., Yin, J.,Li, F.,Wu. H., Zeng, F., Lin, H., & Pan, F.Competition between metallic and vacancy defect conductive filaments in a CH3NH3PbI3-based memory device.J. Phys. Chem. C122, 6431-6436 (2018).

[19] Saleem, M. S., Song, C.,Li, F.,Gu, Y., Chen, X., Shi, G., Li, Q., Zhou, X., & Pan, F.Light tuning of the resistance of NdNiO3films with CoFe2O4capping.Phys. Status Solidi - Rapid Res. Lett.12, 1800186 (2018).

[20] Song, C., Cui, B.,Li, F.,Zhou, X., & Pan, F. Recent progress in voltage control of magnetism: Materials, mechanisms, and performance.Prog. Mater. Sci.87, 33-82 (2017).

[21]Li, F.,Song, C., Cui, B., Peng, J., Gu, Y., Wang, G., & Pan, F. Photon‐Gated Spin Transistor.Adv. Mater., 29, 1604052 (2017).

[22] Chen, X. Z., Feng, J. F., Wang, Z. C., Zhang, J., Zhong, X. Y., Song, C., Jin, L., Zhang, B.,Li, F.,Jiang, M., Tan, Y. Z., Zhou, X. J., Shi, G. Y., Zhou, X. F., Han, X. D., Mao, S. C., Chen, Y. H., Han, X. F., & Pan, F.Tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance driven by magnetic phase transition.Nat. Commun.8, 1-7(2017).

[23] ̌Li, F.,Song, C., Gu, Y. D., Saleem, M. S., & Pan, F. Chemical modulation of electronic structure at the excited state.Phys. Rev. B96, 245108 (2017).

[24] Shi, G. Y., Wan, C. H., Chang, Y. S.,Li, F.,Zhou, X. J., Zhang, P. X., Cai, J. W., Han, X. F., Pan, F., & Song, C.Spin-orbit torque in MgO/CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB/MgOsymmetric structure with interlayer antiferromagnetic coupling.Phys. Rev. B95, 104435 (2017).

[25] Cui, B., Song, C.,Li, F.,Zhong, X. Y., Wang, Z. C., Werner, P., Gu, Y. D., Wu, H. Q., Saleem, M. S., Parkin, S. S. P., & Pan, F.Electric-field control of oxygen vacancies and magnetic phase transition in a cobaltite/manganite bilayer.Phys. Rev. Appl.8, 044007 (2017).

[26] Saleem, M. S., Song, C., Peng, J. J., Cui, B.,Li, F.,Gu, Y. D., & Pan, F.Metal-insulator-metal transition inNdNiO3films capped by CoFe2O4.Appl. Phys. Lett.110, 072406 (2017).

[27] Song, C., Miao, J. H.,Li, F.,Yan, Y. N., Cui, B., & Pan, F.Anomalous Hall effect in one monolayer cobalt with electrical manipulation.J. Alloys Compd. 696, 315-320 (2017).

[28] Cui, B., Song, C., Mao, H., Yan, Y.,Li, F.,Gao, S., Peng, J. J., Zeng, F., & Pan, F.Manipulation of electric field effect by orbital switch.Adv. Funct. Mater.26, 753-759 (2016).

[29]Li, F.,Song, C., Wang, Y. Y., Cui, B., Mao, H. J., Peng, J. J., Li, S. N., & Pan, F. Optical control of magnetism in manganite films.Phys. Rev. B93, 024406 (2016).

[30] Cui, B.,Li, F.#,Song, C., Peng, J. J., Saleem, M. S., Gu, Y. D., Li, S. N., Wang, K. L., & Pan, F.(2016). Insight into the antiferromagnetic structure manipulated by electronic reconstruction.Phys. Rev. B94, 134403 (2016).

[31] Peng, J. J., Song, C.,Li, F.,Gu, Y. D., Wang, G. Y., & Pan, F.Restoring the magnetism of ultrathin LaMnO3films by surface symmetry engineering.Phys. Rev. B94, 214404 (2016).

[32] Peng, J. J., Song, C., Wang, M.,Li, F.,Cui, B., Wang, G. Y., Yu, P., & Pan, F.Manipulating the metal-to-insulator transition of NdNiO3films by orbital polarization.Phys. Rev. B93, 235102 (2016).

[33] Mao, H. J., Song, C., Cui, B., Peng, J. J.,Li, F.,Xiao, L. R., & Pan, F.Designing room-temperature multiferroic materials in a single-phase solid-solution film.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.49, 365001 (2016).

[34] Cui, B., Song, C., Mao, H., Wu, H.,Li, F.,Peng, J., Wang, G., Zeng F., & Pan, F.Magnetoelectric coupling induced by interfacial orbital reconstruction.Adv. Mater.27, 6651-6656 (2015).

[35] Cui, B., Song, C., Gehring, G. A.,Li, F.,Wang, G., Chen, C., Peng, J. J., Mao, H. J., Zeng, F., & Pan, F.Electrical manipulation of orbital occupancy and magnetic anisotropy in manganites.Adv. Funct. Mater.25, 864-870 (2015).

[36]Li, F.,Song, C., Wang, Y. Y., Cui, B., Mao, H. J., Peng, J. J., Li, S. N., Wang, G. Y., & Pan, F.Tilt engineering of exchange coupling at G-type SrMnO3/(La, Sr) MnO3interfaces.Sci. Rep.5, 1-10 (2015).

[37] Gao, S., Zeng, F.,Li, F.,Wang, M., Mao, H., Wang, G., Song, C., & Pan, F.Forming-free and self-rectifying resistive switching of the simple Pt/TaOx/n-Si structure for access device-free high-density memory application.Nanoscale7, 6031-6038 (2015).

[38] Peng, J., Song, C.,Li, F.,Cui, B., Mao, H., Wang, Y., Wang, G. Y. & Pan, F.Charge transfer and orbital reconstruction in strain-engineered (La,Sr)MnO3/LaNiO3heterostructures.ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.7, 17700-17706 (2015).

[39] Peng, J. J., Song, C., Cui, B.,Li, F.,Mao, H. J., Wang, G. Y., & Pan, F.Manipulation of orbital occupancy by ferroelectric polarization in LaNiO3/BaTiO3−δheterostructures.Appl. Phys. Lett.107, 182904. (2015).

[40] Yan, Y. N., Zhou, X. J.,Li, F.,Cui, B., Wang, Y. Y., Wang, G. Y., Pan, F., & Song, C.Electrical control of Co/Ni magnetism adjacent to gate oxides with low oxygen ion mobility.Appl. Phys. Lett.107, 122407 (2015).

[41] Mao, H. J.,Li, F.,Xiao, L. R., Wang, Y. Y., Cui, B., Peng, J. J., Pan, F., & Song, C.Oscillatory exchange bias effect in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/G-SrMnO3/La0.67Sr0.33MnO3sandwiches.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.48, 295003 (2015).

[42] Mao, H. J., Song, C., Xiao, L. R., Gao, S., Cui, B., Peng, J. J.,Li, F.& Pan, F.Unconventional resistive switching behavior in ferroelectric tunnel junctions.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17, 10146-10150. (2015).

[43] Cui, B., Song, C., Wang, G., Yan, Y., Peng, J., Miao, J., Mao, H.,Li, F.,Chen, C., Zeng, F. & Pan, F. (2014).Electronic Phases: Reversible Ferromagnetic Phase Transition in Electrode‐Gated Manganites.Adv. Funct. Mater.24, 7225-7225 (2014).

[44] Han, J. H., Song, C.,Li, F.,Wang, Y. Y., Wang, G. Y., Yang, Q. H., & Pan, F.Antiferromagnet-controlled spin current transport in SrMnO3/Pt hybrids.Phys. Rev. B90, 144431 (2014).

[45] Peng, J. J., Song, C., Cui, B., Li, F., Mao, H. J., Wang, Y. Y., Wang, G. Y., & Pan, F.Exchange bias in a single LaMnO3film induced by vertical electronic phase separation.Phys. Rev. B89, 165129 (2014).

[46] Cui, B., Song, C., Sun, Y., Wang, Y. Y., Zhao, Y. L.,Li, F.,Wang, G. Y., Zeng, F., & Pan, F.Exchange bias field induced symmetry-breaking of magnetization rotation in two-dimension.Appl. Phys. Lett.105, 152402 (2014).

[47] Cui, B., Song, C.,Li, F.,Wang, G. Y., Mao, H. J., Peng, J. J., Zeng, F. & Pan, F.Tuning the entanglement between orbital reconstruction and charge transfer at a film surface.Sci. Rep.4, 1-8 (2014).

[48] Mao, H. J., Miao, P. X., Cong, J. Z., Song, C., Cui, B., Peng, J. J.,Li, F.,Wang, G. Y., Zhao, Y. G., Sun, Y., Xiao, L. R., & Pan, F.Interface-modification-enhanced tunnel electroresistance in multiferroic tunnel junctions.J. Appl. Phys.116, 053703 (2014).

[49] Song, C., Lin, D. C.,Li, F.,& Pan, F. Quantitative determination of [010]uniaxial anisotropy and the pinning energy in (Ga,Mn)As films.Semicond. Sci. Technol.29, 035004 (2014).

[50] Lin, D. C., Bi, G. Y.,Li, F., Song, C., Wang, Y. Y., Cui, B., Wang, G. Y., & Pan, F. [010]uniaxial-anisotropy induced asymmetry of magnetic reversal in (Ga,Mn)As.J. Appl. Phys.113, 043906 (2013).

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