
西南理论物理中心系列报告:Structural instability and geometric-optical approximation in black hole quasinormal modes and its connection with light echoes

作者: 点击次数: 更新时间: 2024年03月12日

题目:Structural instability and geometric-optical approximation in black hole quasinormal modes and its connection with light echoes

报告人:钱卫良 教授


时间:2024年3月11号(星期一)上午 9:00

地点:Le201 腾讯会议 856-323-959

报告摘要:We explore the black hole light echoes in terms of the two-photon autocorrelation and explore their connection with the quasinormal modes. It is shown that the above time-domain phenomenon can be analyzed by utilizing the well-known frequency-domain relations between the quasinormal modes and characteristic parameters of null geodesics. We found that the time-domain correlator, obtained by the inverse Fourier transform, naturally acquires the echo feature, which can be attributed to a collective effect of the asymptotic poles through a weighted summation of the squared modulus of the relevant Green’s functions. Specifically, the contour integral leads to a summation taking over both the overtone index and angular momentum. Moreover, the dominant contributions to the light echoes are from those in the eikonal limit, consistent with the existing findings using the geometric-optics arguments. Possible astrophysical implications of the present study are addressed.

个人简介: 钱卫良,1998年本科毕业于复旦大学物理系,2003年获复旦大学理论物理专业博士学位,目前在巴西圣保罗大学任物理学教授。他的主要研究方向为高能核物理和广义相对论,研究课题主要包括流体力学建模、粒子关联、核物质相变和黑洞准正规模等。
