
西南理论物理中心系列报告:Intrinsic linear and nonlinear planar Hall effect

作者: 点击次数: 更新时间: 2023年11月13日

目:Intrinsic linear and nonlinear planar Hall effect


间:20231113日(星期一) 下午1400


报告摘要:We propose an intrinsic linear (nonlinear) planar Hall effect, which is of band geometric origin, independent of scattering, and scales with the first (second) order of electric field and first order of magnetic field. By using the extended semiclassical theory, we develop a general theory, highlighting the previously unknown mechanisms and connecting them to the intrinsic band geometric quantities --- Berry connection polarizability, anomalous spin (orbital) polarizability. The (nonlinear) planar Hall current exhibits unusual angular dependence that can enable the nonlinear output control. Combined with first-principles calculations, we evaluate this effect in the 2D and bulk materials, and report experimentally measurable results. Our work reveals an intrinsic transport effect, which offers a new tool for material characterization and a new mechanism for nonlinear device application.


H. Liu et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 277202 (2021)

H. Wang et al., arXiv:2211.05978

Y. Huang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 126303 (2023)

Y. Huang et al., Phys. Rev. B 108, 075155 (2023)

Y. Huang et al., arXiv:2311.01219

报告人介绍:黄月新,香港城市大学研究助理,2011年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2016年毕业于中国科学技术大学,获得物理学博士学位,2019年到2023年在新加坡科技设计大学做博士后研究员。从事量子信息、量子光学、以及凝聚态物理等方面的理论研究工作,近期工作主要集中在非线性量子输运,提出了多种非线性输运的物理机制,在PRLNat. Commun.PRB等期刊发表论文20余篇。
