
西南理论物理中心系列报告:Neutron star inner structure: from the equation of state to the phase state

作者: 点击次数: 更新时间: 2023年10月18日

目:Neutron star inner structure: from the equation of state to the phase state





报告摘要:The study of neutron star equation of state (EOS) has entered a quantitative age, with a growing body of robust data to clarify the basic facts of these mysterious objects. And it could be the first big scientific problem (related to QCD in the non-perturbative low energy region) resolved in the era of gravitational wave astronomy, after their first proposition in 1932 (by Landau) and the first discovery in 1967 (by Hewish & Bell). I will introduce our recent works on constraining the exotic phases of neutron stars by connecting consistently (hyper)nuclear physics and GW+EM observations. Since the EOS (i.e., the pressuredensity relation) can not effectively signify QCD phase state at neutron star densities, I will also introduce our recent efforts in distinguishing different types of neutron stars.

报告人介绍:Ang graduated from Lanzhou University in 2002 with a bachelor's degree, and obtained a doctorate in theoretical physics from Lanzhou University in 2007. She is currently a professor at Xiamen University (https://astro.xmu.edu.cn/People/Faculty/la.htm); arXiv (nucl-th) moderator, member of SKA, EP, eXTP collaborations. She has worked as visiting scholar in INFN-LNS, Italy and Texas A&M University-Commerce and University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA. From 2012 to 2013, she served as a Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN, Japan, in strangeness nuclear physics laboratory. She is engaged in research on the neutron star EOS and several of her theoretical calculations on neutron stars with strangeness have been cited by the LIGO/Virgo and NICER collaborations. She was invited to review the neutron star study in Nuclear Physics Review (原子核物理评论) in 2019 (in Chinese). Her group has improved the microscopic EOS at the quark level and achieved unified theoretical modeling of the EOS for laboratory nuclear experiments and neutron star observations. For that, she won the Top Cited Author Award (China) by the American Astronomical Society and IOP Publishing in 2020. The group also made progress in the glitch crisis problem of pulsars and was recently reported by China Science Daily (中国科学报). She has authored and co-authored 70+ SCI papers, 50+ of which as the first and/or the corresponding author.
