
西南理论物理中心系列报告:Probing Self-Interacting Dark Matter from Small-Scale Characteristics

作者: 点击次数: 更新时间: 2023年09月14日

目:Probing Self-Interacting Dark Matter from Small-Scale Characteristics

报告人:Daneng Yang博士后 加州大学河滨分校




报告摘要:Investigating the nature of dark matter in astrophysics is complicated by the nonlinear dynamics of structure formation and various environmental factors. In this talk, I'll introduce our recent efforts in modeling the effect of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) and making contact with small-scale observations. In work with collaborators, we have developed a framework to model a population of cosmic SIDM halos based on a few analytic equations. The model makes use of the universal behavior of gravothermal evolution and takes advantage of the nonlinear evolutionary history in cold dark matter simulations. We identified that a single variable is responsible for the majority of the SIDM effect in a halo, using which we can discriminate different models through a population of halos. To search for the SIDM effect in observations, we performed a series of high-resolution N-body simulations with SIDM and demonstrated the compelling potential for being tested in the near future. Confronting the rich and complicated small-scale data, I'll also briefly introduce our recent efforts in applying network theory and artificial intelligence in cosmological simulations.

报告人介绍:Daneng Yang is a postdoc actively working on dark matter physics at UCR. His primary focus has been exploring new physics by studying astrophysical signatures and gaining a deeper understanding of the cosmic dark matter distribution. His research background encompasses the cosmology of self-interacting dark matter, ultra-light dark matter, topological modeling of halo clustering, and collider physics. He obtained both his Bachelor's degree and Ph.D. at Peking University and worked at Tsinghua University for his first postdoc.
