
Nanowires and Nanomembranes: Growth, Fabrication, Device Performance and Scalability

作者: 点击次数: 更新时间: 2016年11月08日

报告摘要:This talk will focus on several platform nanotechnologies developed at Illinois. First, I will introduce a method to realize scalable 3D III-V transistors using MOCVD grown planar nanowire arrays. Planar nanowires represent a new nanowire paradigm that is self-aligned, defect-free, transfer-printable, and compatible with planar processing technologies. Monolithically grown HEMTs using GaAs planar nanowire array as the channel will be shown with record fT/fmax. I will then discuss strain-induced self-rolled-up membrane (S-RUM) technology and its applications in dramatic (10—100X) miniaturization and performance enhancement of passive electronic devices (including inductors and transformers); and guiding and accelerating neuron cell growth. Finally, vertical nanowire based solar cells and LEDs grown on heterogeneous substrates via direct or selective area epitaxy, and fabricated using the anisotropic metal-assisted chemical etching (MacEtch) method will be discussed.

报告人简介:李秀玲本科毕业于北京大学,UCLA博士,现任美国伊利诺伊州立大学电子与计算机工程学院教授。她的研究领域涉及半导体材料纳米结构和器件,包括外延生长,制备和半导体纳米线和纳米膜的应用。曾获得NSF CAREER award (2008), DARPA Young Faculty Award (2009), ONR Young Investigator Award (2011), the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research (2012), Andrew T. Yang Research Award (2013), Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Nanotechnology Council (2014), Willet Faculty Scholar Award (2015)和Faculty Entrepreneurial Fellow (2015)。她已发表110余篇论文,超过20个专利。目前她是Applied Physics Letters的副主编,担任IEEE光子学学会的理事。李秀玲教授主页:http://mocvd.ece.illinois.edu
