报告题目:Microscopic Studies of the Geometric Aspects in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
报告人: 杨波(研究员,Institute of HPC, A*STAR, Singapore)
时 间: 2017年5月24号(星期三)上午10:30
报告摘要:In this talk I will first discuss the pseudopotential formalism in the rotationally invariant two-body interactions. I will then illustrate the interplaybetween geometry and topological orders of the FQH with the generalized pseudopotentials in some common experimental systems, with the focus onhow effective interactions can be tuned experimentally within different materials, and the emergent metric from the many-body ground state that inprinciple can be experimentally measured.
报告人简介:杨波:2007年获得斯坦福大学物理和数学双学士学位,2013年普林斯顿大学物理系获博士学位,博士导师为著名物理学家,2016年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者F.D. M. Haldane教授。目前就职于新加A*STAR高性能计算研究中心,从事强关联凝聚态物理,非线性动力学,城市交通网络等相关研究,在PRL,PRB,PRE等刊物发表论文十余篇,其中PRL 4篇,获得普林斯顿大学Joseph Henry Prize,交通网络Best Paper Award 2016等奖励。