报告题目:Optical investigation of graphene nanoribbons andgraphene quantum dots
报告人:赵珅 博士(德国慕尼黑大学)
报告摘要:Graphene plays a key role as a central material for nanoelectronics. Nevertheless, its zero gap makes it unsuitable for applications needing semiconductors. Therefore, a lot of efforts are being made to develop materials with non-zero gap compatible with the hexagonal lattice of graphene. In this context, nanopieces of graphene such as graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have a lot of assets. Indeed, the so-called bottom-up synthesis allows a precise control of the size, shape and edges of these objects, which is a prerequisite before you can imagine controlling their properties.
In this talk, I will present our optical studies on GQDs and GNRs synthesized by the bottom-up approach. I will first show the microphotoluminescence results on single GQDs of 96 sp2 carbon atoms at room-temperature. The intrinsic properties have been directly addressed, revealing efficient single-photon emission from this GQD structure. Furthermore, as a first example of the optical tunability of graphene nanopieces, the results of edge chlorinated GQDs will also be presented. In the second part, I will show the optical spectroscopy results of on-surface synthesized GNRs. The nature of photoluminescence and Raman features will be discussed.
报告人简介:赵珅,现为德国慕尼黑大学物理系博士后。本科就读于法国特鲁瓦工程技术大学,2015年在法国巴黎第六大学(皮埃尔-玛丽居里大学)获理学硕士学位,2018年在法国巴黎高等师范学校(Ecole Normale Superieure)获理学博士学位。主要研究二维材料的光学性质与光-物质相互作用,在Nature Communications, JACS, Carbon等期刊发表论文多篇。