加拿大女王大学Prof. Alan Jeffrey Giacomin学术讲座
时间 :2024年05月27日 09时30分
地点 :A校区能动学院301
The New Physics of Fluids and Recent Advances in Polymer Viscoelasticity from General Rigid Bead-Rod Theory
主讲人 :Prof. Giacomin
Professor Giacomin has led Physics of Fluids as its Editor-in-Chief since 2016. This lecture is designed to interest authors, new and old. It tells the story of the journal’s surging success, with special focus on Hong Kong contributions. The second part of the lecture will be focused on recent advances in polymer viscoelasticity from general rigid bead-rod theory.
Prof. Giacomin is a retired Professor of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy at Queen’s University at Kingston in Canada where he holds the s Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Physics of Fluids, and Adjunct Professor at University of Nevada, Reno in USA. Born in Kingston, Professor Giacomin graduated high school on the island of Montreal. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering from Queen’s University in Kingston, before joining the Research Division at DuPont Canada. He then earned a PhD in Chemical Engineering from McGill University under Professor John Dealy, his thesis d “A Sliding Plate Melt Rheometer Incorporating a Shear Stress Transducer.” He joined the Mechanical Engineering faculty at Texas A&M University. He has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, where for twenty years he chaired its Rheology Research Center. He has held visiting professorships at McGill University, the University of Sherbrooke, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, the Paris School of Mines, the National University of Singapore, Chung Yuan University near Taipei, Yunlin University, in southern Taiwan, and Shandong University in mainland China. He married Marie, and they have a son David, and daughter, Caroline. David is a civil engineer, and Caroline, a chemical engineer.He speaks English, French and Mandarin Chinese. His hobbies: Chinese characters, expert witnessing for products liability and patent litigation, and his passions are cycling and ice hockey. He is Past-President of the Canadian Society of Rheology, and a former President of The Society of Rheology. Giacomin serves as sole Editor-in-Chief of Physics of Fluids.
作者 :工程学部