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挪威科技大学Torgeir Moan教授学术讲座

时间 :2024年04月29日 10时00分

地点 :高端装备机械传动全国重点实验室219会议室


主讲人 :Prof. Torgeir Moan 教授

Some of the opportunities for using the oceans to meet the challenges to provide food, energy, rare minerals etc. to the growing population on the earth, are first briefly outlined, with a focus on wind energy and especially d on floating wind turbines.

An overview of the wind farm and its subsystems with a focus on floating wind turbine concepts, is given, followed by an outline of design criteria and the process to ensure serviceability and safety in the life cycle. The integrated dynamic analysis of the floating wind turbine system, i.e. proper consideration of the rotor, drive train, tower, floater, mooring system and dynamic power cable, and their interaction, is emphasized. Analysis methods to document design as well as the planning of marine operations, are briefly addressed. Moreover, it is noted that the success of marine technology, like other technologies, in the future, requires exploration and implementation of relevant enabling technologies such as information and communication technology, automatic control, materials, fabrication and logistics.


Torgeir Moan教授现为挪威科技大学海洋工程系荣誉退休教授,创建并领导了挪威首批国家卓越研究中心“船舶与海洋结构卓越研究中心”。入选挪威技术科学院院士、英国皇家工程院外籍院士、挪威皇家科学与文学院院士、挪威科学与文学院院士、中国工程院外籍院士、欧盟科学院院士。长期致力于海洋结构物动力分析、设计和可靠性研究,重点关注海洋油气平台,水产养殖和可再生能源相关研究。在新型海洋平台随机、非线性载荷响应分析和设计等基础理论方面,做了大量极具前沿性的原创性工作。至今一共发表了约800多篇国际期刊和会议论文,在剑桥大学出版社出版了名为《海洋结构物随机动力学分析》的著作以及多部学术讲义。担任海洋工程领域权威期刊Marine structures首席主编以及其他多个国际权威期刊的编委。受邀在重要国际会议上发表超过50次主题演讲。指导毕业了400多名硕士和88名博士。作为主要顾问,重点参与浮式风电IEC国际标准开发、制定。

作者 :工程学部

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