时间 :2023年07月07日 10时00分
地点 :A校区八教学楼101
Green Oxidation Processes for Industrial Wastewater Treatments and Biofuel Production
主讲人 :楊昆霖副教授
To address the issues in Fenton’s reaction, we developed new l- d catalysts which can be used in industrial wastewater treatment by using H2O2 as an oxidant. The catalysts are able to complete a redox cycle in the presence of H2O2 and generate both free radicals and high-valence l ions. These highly reactive species are able to convert hydrocarbons, especially unsaturated organic molecules, into organic acids and carbon dioxide with high molecular efficiency. These l- d catalysts work over a wide range of pH (3-11) and do not produce any sludge. They are soluble and can be mixed with wastewater homogenously at parts-per-million (ppm) level at neutral pH to degrade the pollutants rapidly. Because of the fast reaction rate, the hydraulic residence time of the process in a wastewater treatment plant is usually less than one hour. They can also be immobilized on solid carriers to treat the wastewater continuously in a fluidized bed. Currently, the new process has been tested in a full-scale plant in Singapore and that leads to better treatment efficiency and 50% cost-saving compared to current treatment processes.
杨昆霖,新加坡国立大学化学工程系副教授。研究领域包括液晶材料,表面技术,化学及生物传感器,以及绿色环保技术。曾多次获得新加坡国家科研基金大型综合研究项目支持。并且积极将科研成果转化为商业产品。创立GreenCOP,GreenDr和广东绿色化学等公司。以第一作者/通讯作者身份在Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、Lab on Chip等期刊发表SCI论文10篇,累计发表SCI论文130篇,获得国内外专利十余项。多次受邀在国际武术会议做专题报告。获得国内外研究奖项包括Defence Innovation Award,A*STAR Research Award,TechConnect Award等等。
作者 :工程学部