时间 :2023年06月14日 14时00分
地点 :A校区A8103
Materials Innovation for Better Living
主讲人 :黄嘉兴教授
I will try to share some thoughts about materials science and engineering, where the paradigm of thinking is "microstructure-properties relationship". The "structure" is an incredibly broad and diverse concept that often empowers one to see the discontinuum within the apparent continuum of materials, to think across different length scales and even different time scales, and sometimes to see the connection between the virtual information- d world and the physical materials- d world. A few examples will be briefly addressed, including microstructural design of graphene- d materials at macroscopic and microscopic materials, leading to altered processability and properties, fluidized electrocatalysts that allows unstable catalysts to deliver stable performance, and repurposing information processing tools for materials processing. On the other hand, materials-training facilitates researchers to discover and new problems in the society. A few examples will be given, such as materials innovations for personal well-being, as well as some materials ideas to enhance our preparedness for future outbreaks of infectious respiratory diseases.
黄嘉兴教授2007-2021年任美国西北大学材料科学与工程助理教授,Morris E. Fine材料与制造青年讲席教授,副教授以及正教授。2021年全职加入西湖大学,受聘材料科学与工程讲席教授,2022年当选西湖大学校董。主要研究领域为材料化学,聚焦于用化学原理和手段来提高纳米材料的可加工性,使之能被方便而广泛地应用,比如包括新型碳材料,显微成像,二维纳流体,块体纳米结构材料,胶体纳米材料的合成、加工以及组装,以及这些新材料在智能防腐涂层、摩擦学、新能源、工业废料的回收升级和个人护理及公共卫生等方面的应用。
曾获奖项和荣誉包括:国际气溶胶研究联合会每四年一度颁发的Fissan-Pui-TSI奖、美国古根海姆奖、日本学术振兴会邀请学者、德国洪堡研究奖、美国科学促进会会士,欧洲科学与艺术学院院士,并常年入选全球高被引作者名单。他也是美国化学会首本国际合作期刊,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划之高起点新刊《Accounts of Materials Research》的创刊主编。
作者 :工程学部