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时间 :2020年01月08日 10时00分

地点 :重庆大学A区理科楼010

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :航空航天学院

Scalable Fabrication of Carbon/Elastomer Composite Electrodes and Piezoresistive Sensors

主讲人 :孙力

Carbon nanomaterials have attracted extensive research and application interests since 1980s. Highlighted by the 1996 Noble Prize in Chemistry and the 2010 Noble Prize in Physics, carbon d structures maybe the most studied and hypered nanomaterials in recent years. Currently, there are a number of producers capable of producing carbon nanomaterials on the order of hundreds tons/per year, but there still exists a tremendous gap of mass application of these materials due to the difficulties of nanomaterials handling and manipulation, which normally lead to poor quality control, low reproducibility, environmental sensitivity and also high cost. We think it maybe more realistic to develop applications utilizing the average effects of a large number of nanoentities instead of addressing the performances of individual or a small assembly of nanomaterials. We will show that carbon-polymer nanocomposites can have improved electromagnetic field shielding and static discharge characteristics together with improved vibration damping and noise reduction properties. Recently we are also developing high performance stretchable transparent electrodes and bi- carbon sponge/composite piezoresitive sensors through improving device design and processing control. We want to demonstrate that combining functional nanomaterials with polymers can lead to the realization of novel sensing, actuating, wearable, energy and biomedical devices with various artificial physiochemical characteristics. Through these examples, we want to show the great potential and importance of designing non-traditional nanostructures and developing non-conventional nanomanufacturing techniques.


Dr. Li Sun is currently a Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the University of Houston. He is the ME graduate Admissions Director and Director of Subsea Engineering He is also a faculty at the Texas Center for Superconductivity (TcSUH) and National Center of Wind Engineering at UH. Dr. Sun received his B.S. degree in Physics from Nanjing University in 1993 and his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 2002. Dr. Sun’s research interest is in the general area of multifunctional materials. His current research focuses on nanomaterials fabrication and manipulation; multifunctional polymer composites, spintronics; and application of nanostructure materials in biomedical and energy applications. He has published more than 100 papers on SCI cited journals.

作者 :工程学部

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