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西安交通大学Omid Mahian教授讲座

时间 :2019年12月06日 16时30分

地点 :能源与动力工程学院303

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :能源与动力工程学院

Application of nanofluids in solar energy

主讲人 :Omid Mahian教授

Nowadays, nanofluids (an advanced kind of working fluids that are a mixture of nanoparticles and conventional fluids) have attracted the attention of researchers due to their developing applications in many fields. Nanofluids with higher thermal conductivity compared to fluids such as water as well as higher absorption abilities are good candidates for application in solar energy systems. In this talk, an overview of nanofluid applications in solar energy systems is given. The content of the talk is as follows:

- Overview of Renewable Energy

- Solar Energy Status

- Introduction to Nanofluids

- Application of Nanofluids in conventional solar collectors

- Application of Nanofluids in cooling of Photovoltaic thermal systems

- Application of Nanofluids for Solar Steam Generation

- Conclusion

- Challenges


Omid Mahian,西安交通大学教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,现任国际权威期刊Energy 期刊编辑委员会成员、Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry期刊副主编及70多个国际期刊的审稿人。近年来的研究方向主要包括纳米流体在可再生能源(太阳能集热器和太阳能海水淡化)的应用及能量系统的火用和熵发生分析。至今已在包含Physics report,Nano energy等顶级期刊上发表SCI论文140余篇,个人H因子(H-index)43,文章被引用5500余次,25篇论文入选ESI全球高被引论文,已连续两年入选Elsevier全球高被引学者,其中2013年在International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer发表的论文“A review of the application of nanofluids in solar energy”是该期刊自2012年以来引用次数最多的论文。

作者 :工程学部

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