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日本北海道大学Osamu FUJITA教授讲座

时间 :2019年12月05日 14时30分

地点 :能源与动力工程学院303

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :能源与动力工程学院

Research on Solid Material Combustion in Microgravity followed by ISS Experiments

主讲人 :Osamu FUJITA教授

Fire safety in space is one of the most critical issues for space development, because once fire accident happens in spacecraft crews are exposed to extremely dangerous situation. Recently it is found that solid material becomes more flammable in microgravity. This means screening test of solid material for space use on the ground is not conservative. Therefore, we have ever tried to determine the difference of the flammability between normal and micro gravity, which should be reflected to the fire safety standards for space given by NASA. In the presentation some results we have done by ground-based microgravity facility (ex. Fig.1 below) and future plan of the International Space Station (ISS) experiments on solid material flammability will be introduced. In addition to the lecture above brief introduction of Hokkaido University and other combustion research activities on going will be made in the lecture.


藤田修(Osamu FUJITA),日本北海道大学教授,博士毕业于日本北海道大学机械宇宙工程专业。



主持多项日本文部省和日本学术振兴会重要科研项目,在燃烧领域各类期刊上发表文章超过130篇,其中顶尖期刊Proceedings of the Combustion Institute和Combustion and Flame 上发表文章42篇。2018年入选国际燃烧学会杰出研究者奖(CI Fellow,国际燃烧领域最高奖),2018年获得日本燃烧科学奖,2015年获得日本空间科学杰出研究者奖,2015年获得北海道大学校长特别奖,2013年获得日本力学工程杰出研究者奖。

作者 :工程学部

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