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时间 :2019年09月27日 15时00分

地点 :重庆大学A区6教6117会议室

主办单位 :光电工程学院,电气工程学院,光电技术及系统教育部重点实验室

Composition Tuned Hybrid Perovskites: From Materials Engineering & Device Design for Efficient, Stable Perovskite Solar Cells

主讲人 :汪正平教授

A perovskite solar cell is a type of solar cell which includes a perovskite structured compound, most commonly a hybrid organic-inorganic lead or tin halide- d material, as the light-harvesting active . Perovskite materials such as methylammonium lead halides and all-inorganic cesium lead halide, are cheap to produce and simple to manufacture.

(1) In traditional sequential deposition, compact PbI2 film may hinder the diffusion of MAI solution across the entire PbI2 film, thus leading to the unreacted PbI2 residue in the interface between perovskite and TiO2. To address the issue of PbI2 residue, we developed a new method to synthesize porous PbI2 film. We started from the precursor of PbAc2 and MAI with the molar ratio of 1:2, and thermally unstable CH3NH3(CH3COO) will be released under heating condition, thus producing pores in the PbI2 film due to volume contraction. After loading with MAI solution, p-PbI2 will improve the conversion of PbI2 to perovskite.

(2) Not only the instability issue caused by spiro, we also know that spiro is the most expensive material in such device structure. Actually, researchers have made some efforts to develop new HTLs to replace spiro, which can be mainly classified into two types: synthesizing updoped organic materials and developing low-cost inorganic materials. However, complex synthesis process may hinder large-scale production of organic materials. On the other hand, PSCs with PbS and CuI HTLs suffer from the issue of low-efficiency, and CuSCN can react with perovskite. In this regard, I’d like to propose an alternative p-type material: NiO. Low-temperature solution-processed NiOx HTL can significantly improve the stability of the whole device.


美国普渡大学化学系获学士学位;宾夕法尼亚州立大学化学系获硕士和博士学位;其研究领域包括高分子材料、材料反应机理、IC封装、电子加工封装和自组装加工、界面粘附和纳米功能材料的合成与表征。多年来其研究成果丰硕,发表专业论文1000余篇,申请60多项美国专利。出版《高分子在电子和光子学应用》、《电子封装设计、材料、过程和可靠性》、《电子制造:无铅、无卤和导电胶材料》、《高级电子封装材料》、《纳米导电胶技术》等12本学术专著。汪院士多年来致力于电子封装材料的研究、开发与工程化应用等工作,曾成功开创多种崭新材料,为半导体的封装技术带来革命性影响,在该领域国际学术界和产业界均享有很高的声望,汪院士开创性提出并实现传统的“陶封”(ceramic packaging)材料与工艺改进为“塑封”(plastic packaging),大幅降低生产成本、并提高性能,给电子封装业界带来革命性影响,被誉为“现代半导体封装之父”。

1996年开始担任乔治亚理工学院材料科学与工程学院教授,2000年被评为董事教授(最高荣誉教授);曾担任国际电子电器工程师协会(IEEE)院士、美国贝尔实验室高级会员,IEEE CPMT(封装与制造技术协会)技术副会长、国际电子电器工程师协会的主席、“IEEE封装技术学报”以及“高分子科学与工程学报”编委,“智能材料百科全书”主编。他曾多次获国际电子电器工程师协会、制造工程学会、贝尔实验室、美国佐治亚理工学院等颁发的特殊贡献奖。汪教授是有机高分子在器件封装应用领域研究的开拓者之一,在无铅结的导电粘结的导电疲劳、纳米复合材料的合成表征以及开发低成本倒装芯片等领域都卓有成就。汪教授获得诸多奖励和荣誉,包括IEEE CPMT 学会杰出贡献奖(1995,2002), 佐治亚理工学院Sigma Xi 最佳教员科研奖(1999), IEEE Millennium 奖章(2000), IEEE EAB 教育奖(2001), IEEE封装加工领域奖(2006), Sigma Xi’s Monie Ferst奖(2007)以及 加工工程(SME)’s TEEM 奖(2008)。


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