时间 :2019年05月18日 09时00分
地点 :重庆大学A区综合实验大楼319
主办单位 :工程学部
协办单位 :材料科学与工程学院
Recent Development of the Mg based supra-nanomaterials
主讲人 :吕坚
To develop high efficient and advanced mechanical system, the creation of new materials and associated systems is one of the key directions. This presentation will feature recent development of structural nanomaterials and high mechanical properties of functional nanomaterials for the potential applications in mechanical and energy systems. The mechanisms of nanomaterials processing with different nano-structures by high efficient physical methods will firstly be reported by illustrating our latest findings / research progress on the nanomaterials with high strength and high ductility, hierarchical nano-twinned materials, nanomaterials with multiphase ded structure and the supra-nanostructured materials. We will also present our recent work on an approach that combines the strengthening benefits of nanocrystallinity with those of amorphization to produce a dual phase material that exhibits near-ideal strength at room temperature and without sample size effects. The magnesium-alloy system consists of nanocrystalline cores ded in amorphous glassy shells, and the strength of the resulting dual-phase material is a near-ideal 3.3 GPa—making this the strongest magnesium alloy thin film yet achieved. This work demonstrates a new way of producing a supra-nanostructure in a controllable manner. We anticipate numerous applications related to the material’s exceptional mechanical properties and other functional properties, for example as biodegradable implants with excellent wear resistance etc. The feasibility of applying different nanomaterials on various bio-implants, light-weight vehicle and energy systems will be discussed. Lastly, the development and research direction of the biomimetic nanostructured materials on advanced unmanned mechanical systems will be presented.
吕坚,法国国家技术科学院院士,香港城市大学机械工程讲座教授, 副校长(研究与科技)兼研究生院院长,先进结构材料研究主任。研究方向涉及先进结构与功能纳米材料的制备和力学性能。78年考入北京大学,经由教育部选拔于79年首批获国家奖学金公派赴法国贡比涅技术大学读大学本科,86年获该校博士学位。目前,已取得23项欧,美,中专利(含6项PCT拓展专利),并在包括在本领域顶尖杂志Nature(封面文章),Science, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Materials Today, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, PRL, Acta Materialia, JMPS等SCI杂志上发表论文350余篇。中科院首批海外评审专家, 中科院沈阳金属所客座首席研究员,东北大学,北京科技大学,南昌大学等大学名誉教授, 西安交通大学和西北工业大学顾问教授, 上海交通大学,上海大学,中山大学, 中南大学等大学客座教授, 中科院知名学者团队成员 2011年被法国国家技术科学院(NATF)选为院士,是该院300余位院士中首位华裔院士。2006年与2017年分别获法国总统任命获法国国家荣誉骑士勋章及法国国家荣誉军团骑士勋章,2018年获中国工程院光华工程科技奖。
作者 :工程学部