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美国青年科学家Michael Smith教授学术讲座

时间 :2019年05月17日 15时00分

地点 :综合实验大楼317

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :材料科学与工程学院

The Expanding Universe

主讲人 :Michael Smith 教授


Using a variety of Earth- d and space- d instruments, our knowledge of the structure, evolution, and ultimate fate of the Universe has undergone two dramatic changes in the last 100 years. The currently accepted model of the Universe contains Dark Matter, Dark Energy, WIMPs, MACHOs, 3 degree microwaves, primordial fog, relic neutrinos, and other oddities. In spite of the sophistication of the current cosmology, we do not have a fundamental understanding of 96 percent of the matter and energy density in the Universe. We will explore this model with emphasis on the tremendous discovery potential for the next generation of scientists.


Michael Smith教授是美国橡树岭国家实验室杰出的物理学家,美国物理学会会士。Smith教授本科就读于芝加哥大学,在耶鲁大学获博士学位,并在加州理工大学做博士后。之后,在橡树岭国家实验室从事核天体物理科研工作20余年,任橡树岭国家实验室天体物理组组长,天体物理项目主任。由于他在核天体物理模拟工作以及核结构实验测量方面的突出贡献,他被授予美国能源部青年科学家、美国青年科学家、杰出科学家等荣誉称号。曾主持美国能源部多项重点基金、联合自然科学基金等。发表文章上百篇,发布国家专利多项。

Michael Smith's expertise is in accelerator measurements of thermonuclear reactions relevant for understanding how stars explode. Michael is a Laboratory Distinguished Scientist in the ORNL Physics Division, where he leads the Experimental Astrophysics Group. Prior to coming to ORNL, he received an undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of Chicago, a Ph.D. from Yale University, and worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the California Institute of Technology. At ORNL, he leads an interdisciplinary effort using beams of radioactive subatomic nuclei, nuclear data assessments, and computer simulations to study how stars explode. He is Deputy Manager of the SECAR Project, a 12M$ mass separator system that is under construction at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) for direct measurements of reactions that cause stars to explode. Until recently, Michael was the elected Chairman of the 1400 member FRIB User Organization, the largest organization in low energy nuclear science in the U.S. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and has won the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest award given to young researchers in the United States. He has also won numerous ORNL awards including Scientific Paper of the Year, Science Communicator of the Year, Director's Award for Community Service, and Educational Champion. He has been featured on National Geographic's Naked Science TV show, the JASON science education project, and the Discovery Channel / Siemens STEM Online Academy. He has pioneered and oversees 6 online software systems and websites that enable scientists from around the world to share their research results. He collaborates with researchers from around the world and enjoys mentoring students of all levels.

作者 :工程学部

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