芬兰爱博学术大学Henrik Saxen教授学术讲座
时间 :2018年11月02日 10时00分
地点 :B区材料学院二楼学术报告厅
主办单位 :工程学部
协办单位 :材料科学与工程学院
Mathematical Modeling of the BF Process - Past Efforts and Future Trends
主讲人 :Henrik Saxen教授
Mathematical models of the blast furnace process are reviewed. The background and engineering challenges of the ironmaking blast furnace are first presented. Past models are briefly treated together with the historical development in the field from simple zero-dimensional models to dynamic three-dimensional ones. The present state-of-the-art of BF modeling is explained at some length. Finally, a future outlook of the developments in the field is presented, highlighting several key problems and areas where a deeper understanding is needed, also proposing means of tackling the problems.
Prof. Henrik Saxen, the head of Thermal and Flow Engineering Laboratory and Department of Chemical Engineering, Ex-vice president of Åbo Akademi University. Research interests: (1). Mathematical modeling and simulation of industrial processes, with special applications to chemical and llurgical engineering systems. (2). Ironmaking technology, in particular blast furnace modeling and interpretation. (3). Optimization of energy systems. (4). Applications of soft computing, mainly neural networks and genetic algorithms, to tackle complex modeling and optimization tasks in engineering.
作者 :工程学部