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剑桥大学Stephen Evans教授讲座一(工业可持续:新思路和进展)

时间 :2018年10月22日 08时30分

地点 :重庆大学A区第七教学楼333会议室

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :机械工程学院

Industrial Sustainability: New Ideas and Developments

主讲人 :Prof. Stephen Evans

Industrial Sustainability offers the vision of an industrial system that can make the products of today – all the cars, clothes, food and phones – without damaging the planet. Factories that clean the air and the water they use, factories that take back the old cars to make new, factories and supply chains that grow phones. These are all part of a sustainable industrial future. This talk describes some of those very different futures but mainly focuses on the practical steps that need to be taken to reach that future. The talk will cover issues of eco-efficiency, of new ways of doing business, of new technologies and of wider industry-scale changes that may be needed before we can be happy to see more factories arriving near our home.


Stephen Evans,剑桥大学教授,EPSRC工业可持续发展中心主任,英国皇家艺术与商业学会会员,工程技术学会会员,电气工程师会会员。Evans教授在剑桥担任工业可持续发展中心主任期间,带领该中心从初创阶段发展到62名研究人员且与25个国家的170多家公司合作。在国际上,该中心向亚太经社会以及各国提供了关于新兴经济体可持续制造业政策的指导,极大地影响了英国和国际政策。Evans教授一直致力于多学科交叉、合作创新和可持续发展方面的前沿技术研究,主要研究方向包括可持续工厂、可持续城市再生设计、汽车可持续设计和运营等,共出版5部专著,参编专著14部,起草联合国工业发展组织文书3部,发表学术论文200余篇,研究经费超过3000万英镑。

作者 :工程学部

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