时间 :2018年09月18日 10时00分
地点 :A区综合实验大楼319
主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部
协办单位 :材料科学与工程学院
Phase diagrams - the Beginning of Wisdom
主讲人 :Rainer Schmid-Fetzer
This work presents a primer on "How to Read and Apply Phase Diagrams" in the current environment of powerful thermodynamic software packages. Advanced aspects in that context are also covered. It is a brief guide into using this cornerstone of knowledge in materials science and engineering and offers assistance in the proper interpretation of results obtained from state-of-the-art Calphad-type thermodynamic calculations. Starting from the very basics it explains the reading of unary, binary and ternary phase diagrams, including liquidus projections, isothermal and vertical phase diagram sections. Application examples are directly derived from these phase diagrams of Fe, Cu-Ni, Mg-Al, and Mg-Al-Zn. The use of stable and metastable phase diagrams and appropriate choices of state variables are explained for the relevant Fe-C and Fe-C-Si systems. Thermodynamic solidification simulation using the Scheil approximation in comparison to the equilibrium case is covered in context of multicomponent multiphase solidification and exemplified for Mg-Al-Zn alloys. The generic approach is directly applicable for all inorganic materials, but exemplified in this concise work for a small selection of metallic systems to highlight the interdependences among the phase diagrams. The embedded application examples for real material systems and various materials processes also emphasize the use of phase diagrams for the path from initial off-equilibrium state towards equilibrium.
Rainer Schmid-Fetzer 教授,博士毕业于克劳斯塔尔工业大学。1982年至1984年期间,在美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校担任访问学者和访问副教授,主攻功能材料方向。1985-2015年期间,就职于克劳斯塔尔工业大学并担任“热化学和微观动力学”组负责人。
他的研究方向主要为于多组元材料的结构和热力学;合金凝固和微观组织演化; Mg-,Al-,Ti-,Zn-和Li基材料;大块材料和薄膜材料中的界面反应等。 目前已发表了350多篇学术论文,其中250多篇在发表在出现在Acta Mater., Scr. Mater., Progr. Mater. Sci., Mater.Sci.Eng. A+B, Adv. Eng. Mater., Calphad, J.Alloys Comp., Metall. Mater. Trans. A+B, J. Cryst. Growth 和 Thermochim. Acta,等高水平期刊上。由于他的杰出贡献,他被授予德国材料学会(DGM)Tammann奖; ASM国际会员;中科院金属所李勋讲座奖;英国伦敦材料矿物研究所Hume-Rothery奖;美国矿物,金属和材料学会William Hume-Rothery奖。
Schmid-Fetzer教授担任Journal of Phase Equilibria; Advisory Board Member, Int. Journal Materials Research (Z. Metallkunde)等期刊的副主编。国际相图委员会主席;德国材料学会热力学与相图平衡委员会的主席。Schmid-Fetzer教授在相图领域有很高的国际影响力。
作者 :工程学部