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加拿大约克大学Zheng H. Zhu教授讲座预告

时间 :2018年07月02日 09时00分

地点 :理科楼205

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :航空航天学院; 光电技术及系统教育部重点实验室

Dynamic Modeling and Characteristics of Coupled Orbital-Attitude Dynamics of Flexible Electric Solar Wind Sail

主讲人 :Zheng H. Zhu

The electric solar wind sail (E-sail) is a novel enabling technology for deep space exploration in the solar system. It generalized propulsion for space travel by extracting energy from a continuous particle stream from the Sun using long and electrically charged tethers. The E-sail presents rich multi-physics and dynamic characteristics. We have developed a high-fidelity multiphysics model with our nodal position finite element method to investigate the coupling effects of orbital and self-spinning motions of the E-sail, and the interaction between the axial/transverse elastic motions of tether and the Coulomb effect. Furthermore, parametric study is conducted to better understand these coupling effects. Our results show that the coupling effects have a significant impact on the dynamic behavior of E-sail and the induced thrust. Furthermore, the analysis indicates a strong dependence of the thrust on sail and coning angles of E-sail even in the case of small sail angle. Finally, the influence of the initial self-spin rate and sail angle on the dynamic behavior of a flexible E-sail is investigated. Our study also finds that a high spin rate is needed to hold the stable geometrical configuration, and the difference in the orbital maneuvering is distinct when the E-sail inclines to the incident solar wind. It implies that a suitable control strategy should be employed to accomplish the thrust vectoring for the orbit maneuvering. The analysis provides an effective and robust way to design the E-sail in the mission planning phase.


Dr. Zheng H. Zhu is a professor, Tier 1 York Research Chair in Space Technology and Chair of Department of Mechanical Engineering, York University in Toronto, Canada. He received his B.Eng., M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanics all from Shanghai Jiao Tong University located in Shanghai, China. He also received the M.A.Sc. in robot control from University of Waterloo and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from University of Toronto all located in Ontario, Canada. His current research interests include dynamics and control of tethered space system, spacecraft rendezvous, space robot and space debris remove. He has published over 235 articles and conference papers, with 120 peer-reviewed journal publications. Currently, he is the principal investigator (PI) of two CubeSat missions: DESCENT and ESSENCE, fully funded by the Canadian Space Agency. He is the fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada, Fellow of ASME and CSME, Associate fellow of AIAA, senior member of IEEE, and licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada. Dr. Zhu is the Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Space Science and Engineering, Associate Editor of IEEE Access, and serves on editorial boards of many journals.

作者 :工程学部

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