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时间 :2018年04月16日 15时00分

地点 :重庆大学A区综合实验大楼319室

Metallic Light Weight Materials for Sustainable Vehicle Concepts

主讲人 :Prof. Karl Ulrich Kainer

In the last decades structural light metals were implemented in conventional vehicle concepts. Focus was the use of this class of materials predominately in premium cars with some exceptions in mass car production. Due to the request to reduce the emission of cars with combustion engines and the implementation of new vehicle concepts for hybrid, electrical or full cell cars the interest in metallic lightweight materials was growing. For those applications life cycle assessment of materials used became an important criteria for the selection. This presentation will report in the first part on the status of development and applications of light metals in automotive industries with a focus on European point of view. The second part will address potential, challenges and new developments of magnesium alloys for the transportation industries.


Karl Ulrich Kainer 教授,博士,1953年出生于德国。1985年博士毕业于克劳斯塔尔工业大学;1985至1999年任职于克劳斯塔尔工业大学,担任材料学院项目负责人;1999年起担任汉堡工业大学教授;2000年至今任职于德国亥姆霍兹吉斯达赫特研究所(原GKSS研究所),担任材料研究所主任,镁合金创新中心负责人;2006年任重庆大学访问教授、重庆镁合金工程中心副主任;2012年起担任重庆市科学技术研究院高级顾问。




作者 :工程学部

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