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工程科学前沿讲坛:德国KIT, Hans J. Seifert教授讲座

时间 :2018年04月03日 15时00分

地点 :重庆大学A区综合实验大楼319会议室

Thermodynamics investigations and phase studies in the Mg-Al-Zn-Cu system and their relevance for commercial Magnesium alloy development

主讲人 :Hans J. Seifert

Computational phase studies in commercial magnesium and aluminum systems are presented using the example of the quaternary Mg-Al-Zn-Cu system. Thermodynamic datasets for the ternary subsystems have been developed, and modeling of the ternary solution phases C14, C15, C36 (Laves phases) and the so-called T- and V-phases is described. For the de ions of these phases the crystal structures, thermodynamic data and phase equilibrium data were taken into account. The ternary datasets were combined in a single thermodynamic computer data . Some of the ternary solution phases also show large homogeneity ranges extending into the quaternary system ranging from one boundary ternary system to the other. This behavior was taken into account to establish a quaternary thermodynamic dataset. The results are illustrated by means of calculated ternary and quaternary isothermal sections, vertical sections and phase fraction diagrams. To illustrate the computer simulation of microstructural development in magnesium and aluminum light alloys during rapid solidification processes, a Scheil-Gulliver calculation for the magnesium casting alloy AZ91 is presented and compared with experimental casting results


Professor (W3), Head of Institute

Materials Science and Engineering,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Applied Materials – Applied Materials Physics

Member of

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde(DGM, German Materials Society); TMS; American CeramicSociety; ASM InternationalMember, the ASM “Phase Diagram Committee“, The ElectrochemicalSociety;
Member-at-Largeof “High Temperature Materials Division” (Division Executive Committee)


More than 100 peer-reviewed research publications;

Invited speaker at 70 conferences; three patents;

Coordinator of the Priority Programme of the German Research Foundation:
“Materials with New Design for Improved Lithium Ion Batteries”; SPP1473

Speaker of the Technical Committee "Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Constitution of Engineering Materials" (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, DGM, German Materials Society)

Coordinator of the EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) Joint Programme
"Energy Storage"

Advisory Board and Reviewer: International Journal of Materials Research;

Associate Editor and Reviewer:Journalof Phase Equilibria and Diffusion and
CalphadJournal;Organizer of International Workshops and Conference Symposia in the Research Area of Materials Thermodynamics and Kinetics.

Reviewer for
Reviewer for National Science Foundation (Division of Materials Research,

Reviewer for Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR),

Reviewer for German Research Foundation

Reviewer for dozens of Journals

作者 :工程学部

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