工程科学前沿讲坛:韩国釜山国立大学Taeho Lee教授讲座
时间 :2018年01月17日 10时00分
地点 :动力学院303
Air-cathode Microbial Fuel Cell for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
主讲人 :Taeho Lee 教授
The study introduces a novel microbial electrochemical technology to enhance nitrogen removal instead of high power production from domestic wastewater. A flat-panel air-cathode microbial Fuel cell (FA-MFC) successfully treated domestic wastewater to satisfy effluent quality standards of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (TN) within a very short hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 2.5 h. The FA-MNC system allowed simultaneous removals of COD and TN from domestic wastewater, although it led to minimal power output. Illumina MiSeq revealed that various bacterial communities involved in nitrification, denitrification, fermentation, sulfate reduction, and iron reduction were discovered in the FA-MNC system. Four possible mechanisms for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification have been identified: (1) ammonia and nitrite oxidation using oxygen penetrated through the cathode, (2) heterotrophic denitrification at both the anode and cathode, (3) anaerobic ammonium oxidation in the anaerobic zone, and (4) autotrophic denitrification at the anode. The FA-MNC system can be an innovative and sustainable domestic wastewater treatment process.
2012.9.16 - 21 Organizing Committee of IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Busan, Korea
2014.8.24 - 29 Organizing Committee of the 15th ISME (International Symposium on Microbial Ecology), Seoul, Korea
2016.8.31 - 9.2 Chairperson, Organizing Committee of the 3rd AP-ISMET (Asia-Pacific International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology) conference, Busan, Korea
2017.4 - Current Chairperson, Specialist group of Microbial Electrochemical Technology in Korea Society of Environmental Engineers (KSEE)
2017.9 - Current Board member of ISMET (International Society of Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology)
2018.1 - Current Vice-president of KSEE / Chairperson of International Commission of KSEE
作者 :工程学部