Driving down the carbon footprint- CO2 and cars
时间 :2017年11月08日 15时00分
地点 :建工馆第一报告厅(222)
Driving down the carbon footprint- CO2 and cars
主讲人 :Gary Hawley 教 授
Professor Gary Hawiey is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Design at the University of Bath, a position he has held since 2008. He is the Director of the Powertrain & Vehicle Research Centre and holds the prestigious Medlock Chair of Engineering in recognition of,"excellent academic research and its application to industry".He has published over 160 papers on various aspects of diesel engineering, thermal managenent of heat engines and computational approaches to predicting engine performance. In 2004 he was awarded the IMechE Automobile Division Crompton-Lanchester Medal for the best paper on automobile engineering.He has an extensive record of successful engagement with the automotive industry leading numerous projects in collaboration with the Ford Motor Company and BP. In the 21 years that he has been at Bath,he has secured over £20 m to fund his own research.He has been a member of the IMechE Trustee Board an International Scientific Advisor to the Canadian AUTO21 Network Centre of Excellence and is currently the Director of the UK Advanced Propulsion Centre Internal Combustion Engine-Systems Efficiency spoke. Over the next three years he will establish a new national rescarch facility-the Institute of Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems(IAPPS) after recently securing £60 million from various funding bodies.He joined the academic staff in the department of Mechanical Engneeing at the University of Bath in 1995 after careers with both the National Coal Board and the Royal Navy.
作者 :土木工程学院