Analysis of spatial data with a nested correlation structure
时间 :2017年07月11日 09时30分
地点 :理科楼LD201
主讲人 :王友乾(澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学)
We study environmental factors that might influence malaria incidence in Afghanistan.However, in modeling spatial data, the existence of spatial correlation between observations must be considered.The basic ingredient of our method is a generalised estimating equations (GEE) of the marginal mean of disease incidence,as a function of the geographical factors and the spatial correlation.We a series of GEEs, each reflecting a particular source of spatial correlation, into a larger system of estimating equations. To estimate the spatial correlation parameters, we set up a supplementary set of estimating equations d on the correlation structures induced from the different sources. Simultaneous estimation of the mean and correlation parameters is performed by alternating between the two systems of equations.
王友乾教授1986年毕业于浙江大学数学系,1991年在牛津大学获得统计学博士学位。1998-2002任哈佛大学副教授,2005-2010任澳大利亚联邦科工组首席科学家,2010-2015任澳大利亚昆士兰大学应用统计学首席教授,2015至今任澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学数据科学终身教授。研究兴趣在稳健推断,纵向数据分析,水文学统计模型,资源估计与管理战略评估,死亡率和成长率参数估计,统计模拟与数据分析,相关性数据分析中的模型选择等。在世界顶级统计期刊发表了120多篇文章 (包括 Biometrika, Biometrics, JASA , Annals of Statistics 等顶级统计期刊),谷歌学术引用量已超过2600次.
作者 :数学与统计学院