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Olfactory function and its Deficits in Neurodegenerative disease

时间 :2017年07月06日 15时00分

地点 :主教1012

主办单位 :通信工程学院,生物感知与智能信息处理重庆市重点实验室

Olfactory function and its Deficits in Neurodegenerative disease

主讲人 :Qing Yang

Olfactory function and its Deficits in Neurodegenerative disease



Professor of Radiology, Bioengineering, Engineering Sciences and Neurosurgery

Director, Center for NMR Research and MRI Core Facility

Research Interests

1. MRI physics and methodology developments

a. Radiofrequency field engineering in high field MRI

b. Magnetic susceptibility effects and artifact reduction

2. Functional MRI and its clinical applications

a. Olfactory fMRI and perception

b. Brain imaging makers of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease

c. Targeted MRI contrast development

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