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Advanced Technologies for Transmission Systems (HVAC and HVDC)

时间 :2017年06月19日 15时10分

地点 :A区主教504

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :电气工程学院

主讲人 :Michael Muhr (奥地利格拉茨工业大学、教授、副校长)

This lecture gives an overview about transmission technology used for HVAC and HVDC systems. Starting with an outlook to the need of more electric power in the future and the change due to the liberalization market, the conditions for transmission systems and also an overview of the definition of high voltages. The next step is the explanation of AC power transmission with all advantages and disadvantages and also the technical aspects of a HVAC transmission. Going on with DC power transmission, the technical aspects and also the advantages and disadvantages of such transmission. The last part shows a comparison between AC and DC transmission and also the behaviour of HVDC and what investigations should be done. The third part is handling with the different transmission lines for AC and DC systems like overhead lines, underground cables and gas insulated lines (GIL). All possibilities of the different lines will be explained with all their advantages and disadvantages but also developments in the different fields. At last there is shown a comparison of the different lines to have a good solution, if you have to build such a line.


Em.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c. at the Graz University of Technology TU Graz. Since 1990 Head of the Institute and Test Institute of High Voltage Engineering and System Management of TU Graz. According university act (UG 2002) since 2002 Head of the Institute of High Voltage Engineering and System Management of TU Graz, retired in October 2012. According university act (UG 2002) since 2002 Managing Director of the Test Institution of High Voltage Engineering Graz Ltd. (VAH Graz Ltd.), retired in December 2016. From 2003 to 2007 Head of the Senate and from 2007 to 2011 Vice-rector for Education at Graz University of Technology. Membership in national and international societies as ÖVE, ÖGE, DKE, IEEE, IEC and CIGRE (convenor of 3 working groups). Co-operations with institutes in Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia, China, India as well as industry and utilities. More than 190 publications and reports, more than 170 lectures. Supervisor of more than 160 diploma thesis, 40 doctoral thesis and 3 habilitations.

作者 :工程学部

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