Scale Models and Their Application to the Analysis of Lightning Transients in Ov
时间 :2017年06月19日 16时50分
地点 :A区主教504
主办单位 :工程学部
协办单位 :电气工程学院
主讲人 :Alexandre Piantini(巴西圣保罗大学、教授、IEEE高级会员和CIGRE工作组C4.407和 C4.408成员)
Investigations on lightning transients on power systems can be carried out through the use of the following methods: measurements on real, full-scale power lines; rocket-triggered lightning; digital simulations; and scale models. This lecture will focus on the application of the scale model technique to the analysis of lightning transients in overhead power lines. After a brief de ion of the advantages and disadvantages of the main methods for evaluating lightning transients on power lines, the basis for the utilization of reduced models and the scale factors for the most important quantities will be presented. Then, methods for simulating the electromagnetic environment, as well as various power system components, will be described, and details will be given on the reduced system implemented at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. The last part of the lecture will be devoted to the application of the technique to the evaluation of lightning transients, with emphasis on the analysis of lightning induced voltages on overhead power distribution lines. The examples will demonstrate the versatility and usefulness of the scale model technique in the analysis of complex phenomena, either for enabling the evaluation of situations which are not worthwhile to be treated theoretically or for giving adequate support for the validation of theoretical models and relevant computer codes.
Alexandre Piantini was born in Londrina, Brazil, in 1963. He graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná in 1985 and received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, in 1991 and 1997, respectively. Alexandre Piantini is the head of the Lightning and High Voltage Research Group and has been responsible for several research projects related to lightning and power systems and involving theoretical and experimental developments, supported by power companies. His research interests include modeling of lightning phenomena, lightning protection, and power systems electromagnetic transients. Prof. Piantini is a Senior Member of IEEE and member of the CIGRE WG C4.407 “Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications” and WG C4.408 “Lightning Protection of Low-voltage Networks,” of which he is also the Convener. He is the Chairman of the International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Lightning Research and of the The Open Atmospheric Science Journal.
作者 :工程学部