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Charge Dynamics in Nanodielectrics

时间 :2017年06月19日 17时30分

地点 :A区主教504

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :电气工程学院

主讲人 :George Chen (英国南安普顿大学、教授、IET院士和IEEE高级会员)

The concept of nanodielectrics has been around over two decades. In line with nanotechnology applications in other areas, the expectation for nanodielectrics for electrical engineering was high. Several working groups have been formed internationally to monitor the progress and development in nanodielectrics. The driving forces for detailed research on nanodielectrics and wide applications come from both academia (material scientists, physicists and chemists) and electrical power industries (manufacturers and utilities). Charge dynamics play an important role in determining the electrical performance of a material, including nanodielectrics. It has been widely reported that the addition of nanoparticles into dielectrics can supress charge injection, leading to a ideal application for HVDC where charge accumulation has been a consistent issue for many years. However, literature review reveals that the detailed mechanisms of charge injection suppression have never been outlined. This talk will focus on the charge dynamics in nanodielectrics and discuss their influence on electrical performance. A schematic model has been proposed to explain the charge dynamics in nanodielectrics


George Chen is Professor of High Voltage Engineering at the University of Southampton, UK. His main research interests are electrical characterisation of dielectric materials and electrical ageing. In last twenty years, one of his key areas of research has been developing techniques for space charge measurement in polymeric materials and understanding its role in electrical ageing and breakdown. Over the years, he has attracted financial support from both EPSRC and UK industry, has been involved in IEC and CIGRE activities and has authored over 150 journal papers and 300 international conference papers. He is a Fellow of IET and senior member of IEEE. He serves on several editorial boards of international journals and recently has been appointed as one of the Editor-in-chiefs for IET new journal of Nanodielectrics.

作者 :工程学部

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