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Coatings for Power Network Equipment

时间 :2017年06月19日 11时45分

地点 :A区主教504

主办单位 :工程学部

协办单位 :电气工程学院

主讲人 :Masoud Farzaneh (加拿大魁北克大学,教授,IEEE 院士、IET院士和加拿大工程院院士)

The last decade saw the development of a variety of surface engineering techniques and advanced coatings with properties like self-cleaning, icephobicity and anti-corrosion. These new technological advances can potentially benefit the power industry in reducing the risk of flashovers on insulators, corona losses and noise from conductors and fittings as well as mechanical problems caused by ice and snow accretion on overhead power networks. These technologies not only have the potential to increase the reliability of transmission assets, but may also enable a reduction in the capital cost of new constructions.

In order to evaluate the potential applications and benefits of such coatings for overhead power networks, a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art research activities related to superhydrophophobic and icephobic coatings was recently carried out by WG B2.44 resulting in the publication of TB 631 in 2015. In this TB, methods for testing and characterizing various properties of these coatings were also reviewed. In particular, this study allowed to highlight promising benefits of the use of such advanced coatings for future development and applications to power networks. At the same time, this study made it possible to identify the main lacks in existing standard methods concerning these coatings and to stress the need for development of new techniques for their characterization and application. Moreover, it emphasized the lack of efficient coatings against corona audible noise and urgent need for development


Masoud Farzaneh received his power engineering degree from Polytechnic of Tehran in 1973. After obtaining his Masters jointly from Institut National Polytechnique and Université Paul Sabatier in France, he received his PhD in 1980, from the same institutions. Later, in 1986, he obtained a Doctorat d'état ès sciences from Université Paul Sabatier.

He has always been actively involved with IEEE, CIGRE and IET, in particular he was President of IEEE DEIS, Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, and Editor-in-Chief of the High Voltage journal, jointly published by The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI) and Tsinghua University. He was member of many Task Forces of IEEE, as well as member of the Executive Committee of CIGRE Canada, Convenor of CIGRE WG B2.29 and WG B2.44 on de-icing techniques and on coatings for protection of overhead lines during winter conditions. A large number of IEEE and CIGRE standards, guides, technical brochures and position papers have been realized under his leadership. He is Life Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC).

作者 :工程学部

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