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时间 :2017年03月24日 10时00分

地点 :A区综合实验大楼319室

主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部

协办单位 :重庆大学材料科学与工程学院

Development of High Performance Magnesium Alloy Sheets via Twin Roll Casting Process

主讲人 :Prof. Kwang Seon Shin

Magnesium is the lightest structure material and its high strength-to-weight ratio makes it attractive for applications requiring lightweight materials. There has been an increasing demand for high performance Mg alloy sheets in the automotive industry to reduce vehicle weight and increase fuel efficiency. However, the development of high performance Mg alloy sheets is difficult to achieve due to high production costs and limited deformation modes. Recently the twin roll casting (TRC) process has been recognized as an efficient process for producing Mg alloy sheets at a lower cost. Although the TRC process has received great attention, only limited Mg alloy sheets have been produced due to solute segregation problems and poor mechanical properties. In order to expand the application of Mg alloys, the development of high performance Mg alloy sheets with controlled microstructure and good mechanical properties is needed. In the present study, Mg alloy sheets with various compositions were produced using the TRC process. The microstructure and texture were characterized by optical microscopy, XRD and EBSD. The mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile/compression and formability tests. New TRC magnesium alloy sheets were successfully developed with reduced segregation and enhanced mechanical properties.


Kwang Seon Shin, 韩国首尔国立大学教授,韩国工学翰林院院士,现为镁技术创新中心主任、韩国镁技术研究协会主席,曾任韩国金属与材料学会理事长,第10届镁合金及应用国际大会主席,在国际会议上做大会报告和特邀报告100余次。专长于镁、铝等轻合金新材料和先进制备加工技术开发,在高强高韧镁合金、镁合金铸造、板材制备加工及材料结构性能表征等方面有很深的造诣,取得了一系列高水平的研究成果,开发的部分镁合金产品已在汽车和电子工业领域实现了批量应用。

作者 :工程学部

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