时间 :2016年10月31日 09时00分
地点 :动力工程学院303
主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部
协办单位 :动力工程学院,低品位能源利用技术及系统教育部重点实验室
1. Bioslurry Fuels for Stationary Applications: Break through the Barrier that Limits Biomass Power Penetrating into Electricity Market 2. Be an Independent, Effective and Productive Researcher: Some Advice to Postgraduate Students
主讲人 :吴宏伟教授
1. Biomass is typically widely dispersed, bulky, of high moisture content and low-energy-density, leading to its high logistic cost. It is also of a fibrous nature and has a poor grindability. Additionally, biomass conversion is dominantly gaseous phase reactions during high-temperature thermochemical processing as results of its high moisture and volatile contents. This causes problems of mismatch in fuel properties between biomass and coal when biomass is co-processed with coal in coal- d plants. This talk discusses the concept of bioslurry fuels for potentially addressing all of these issues.
2. Pursuing a postgraduate (MPhil or PhD) study is time-consuming and costly so that ensuring delivery of high-quality research outcomes are favourable. This may require some fundamental and dedicated changes in the way of thinking and the methodologies to be taken. In this talk, Prof Wu will share some of his personal experiences as both a PhD student and a PhD supervisor then give some useful advices to postgraduates.
吴宏伟教授,现为澳大利亚科廷大学化学与石油工程学院化工系主任,能源研究领域国际权威期刊美国化学会Energy & Fuels副主编。担任中国教育部—国家海外专家局引智计划海外专家,华中科技大学煤燃烧国家重点实验室客座教授,中国自然科学基金、国家基础研究计划(973)等项目的国际评委。曾担任2009、2011、2013、2015年 中-澳先进煤与生物质利用技术研讨会大会主席。
作者 :工程学部