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计算机专家讲座Digital Watermarking: Concept, Current Status, and Challenges

时间 :2016年10月09日 10时00分

地点 :主教1811

主办单位 :计算机学院

协办单位 :计算机学院

Digital Watermarking: Concept, Current Status, and Challenges

主讲人 :Prof.∵Yong∵Xiang


Digital watermarking aims to hide watermark data (such as publisher information, user identity, file transaction/downloading records, etc.) into multimedia s (such as audio, image, and video) without affecting their normal usage. When necessary, the watermark data can be extracted from the watermarked multimedia s by using a secret key. The extracted watermark data can be used for different purposes, depending on the application scenarios. For example, digital watermarking can be used for tracing multimedia piracy, secure storage and transmission of confidential data, content filtering, authentication of content and s, and so on. In this talk, I will introduce the concept and requirements of digital watermarking, review some existing watermarking methods, and outline the challenges in digital watermarking research, which show new research directions in this area.



Dr Yong Xiang received his B.E. and M.E. degrees from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China, and PhD degree from The University of Melbourne, Australia. He is a Professor at the School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia. He is also the Associate Head of School (Research) and the Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics Research Cluster. He has obtained a number of research grants (including several large grants from the Australian Research Council) and published numerous research papers in high-quality international journals and conferences. He is the co-inventor of two U.S. patents and some of his research results have been commercialised. Dr Xiang is the Associate Editor of IEEE Signal Processing Letters and IEEE Access. He has been invited to give keynote speech.s and chair committees in a number of international conferences, review papers for many international journals and conferences, serve on conference program committees, and chair technical sessions in conferences. Dr Xiang is a senior member of the IEEE.

作者 :计算机学院

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